Gearbox number

Hi people! I need definetely to change my gearbox, and i'm looking at my junkyard's web site, and they have a few 1.3 gearboxes, with different numbers. All that i could find is, at the left wheel side, is a AK 50Y badge, is that the number? Also i found at the top mount the engine code, CG13, and this number: J421210. None of the numbers of the junkyard appears to be the ones on my K11: 341942 / 9521300pd and 209635 / 9z11364
OK, so, i googled for AK50Y and it's the gearbox of a 1.0 mounted on a 1.3?? What kind of reference has the STOCK 1.3 gearbox, just to buy it and change it, as i've been looking around here in the forum, should i search for RS5F30 maybe?
just one more thing, i'm up to change the AK50Y for the RS5F30A, but the guy at the junkyard told me that i should change the axles too, is he right, or the axles should do just right?
That's why i'm confused, frank; if my cg13 has the gearbox of the cg10, should have then the shafts of the cg10? (sorry of my bad english, i'm spanish and sometimes mix spanish, american and english because youtube vids LOL)
Thanks a lot Frank! I don't have much money (unemployed, blah blah...) and i start shaking when i hear things like the guy at the scrapyard! ;):)

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