

You're after my robot bee
Club Member
this is just a shot in the dark because i know this is the wrong place to ask, but does anyone have any old gameboys they would be willing to donate for a good cause?

perferably i am after the old gameboys, in any condition but preferably with at least a working screen,

I'll have a look, sure I've got a color and an Advance somewhere

awesome thanks,

if you have any of the really old brick ones too that would be great, i am working on a project using the insides of the old gameboys
haha yea they are very old, unfortunatly even £5 is a bit much as i am out of work, i was hoping people might have an old broken one or something like that.

i am bidding on a few on ebay, but we will see how that goes.
are you trying to make them into a sort of synthasiser lol :p

yep :D

i have one which is pitch bent, with different clock speeds, backlit with an LSDJ cart etc, but i have had some new ideas which i want to try and one of the things i need is components which i cant seem to find anywhere else, and screens as well.

i have an idea for an LCD out socket, but i need parts to experiment on
forgot to mention it was prosound modded as well lol /end shameless bump