Fusion achieves 228.8 bhp from the Daihatsu Charade Gtti


Official MSC Trader
<p>The car in which Fusion supported towards the end of the 2009 race calender, owned and raced by its owner Yaser returned to the workshop this week for further tweaks to help with its competitiveness for the 2010 race season.</p>
<p>Last time we had it in the workshop it made 192.6bhp. Pretty impressive results from a 998cc 12 valve 3 cyl engine. However this time we absolutely blew away the previous result and it now stands at a staggering 228.8bhp.</p>
<p>Could this be a record for a CB70/80 engine in the UK? We don't know for sure but its go to be pretty close.</p>
<p>You can read more about this amazing little car <a href="http://www.fusion-motorsport.co.uk/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&catid=13:customers-cars&id=50:yasers-2288-bhp-daihatsu-charade-gtt-track-car&Itemid=18">HERE</a></p>

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Jesus that is a lot of power. What sort of setup as in turbo and internals has it got?That truly unbelievable ,I'm going to have to pull the finger out now and get something done with the st