Fuel problem


Midlands Rep
petrol was nerli in the red this morning so i thought id put a tenner in to last me to college for the week...took me to about just under 3 quarters of a tank. whe i got to college bout 9 miles away i was just over half a tank. i drive sensibly and economically because i know how expensive running a car is. then when i got back from college and started her up it had gone down to under a half a tank. when i got home it was on the line underneath half so the line about a quarter....in about 18 miles...its only a 1.3 something doesnt seem right about that. what do you think?
95k...ive just been on a forum and loads of people ahve the same problem. basically slagging the micra off for its poor fuel economy. but mine hasnt always been this bad. how can i fix it?
may need a service ? ........... mine drops faster when its below half a tank than it does when theres more than half a tank
well what i may do is let the car run out of fuel, drop the tank and clean it out maybe try some red-ex and give it a maintenance service
This is the last time i move one of your threads! Next time i'll just delete it
so basically its dropped nearly half a tank in 20 miles.... i have a k and n panel filter i might change it back to the standard one
hmmm mines on 125k lol, im abit lost now

mite be but i doubt it,it could even be dodgy fuel or what about the injectors? instead of them spraying they could be dripping out therefore releasing more fuel
i might take it to a garage and get it checked out

because otherwise im going to be spending alot of money on petrol
i might take it to a garage and get it checked out

because otherwise im going to be spending alot of money on petrol

daft as it may sound but ......... you dont park with the nearside tyres on the kerb do you or was you parked like that when you noticed it had dropped alot ?
nope always park normal on flat at home and parked on flat today aswell. im gojng to chewck tyre pressures tommorow and change the panel filter from k and n back to standard one
so it starts up no problem ? engine sounds ok when its idleing? and drives ok ..no jerkyness when your driving it ... where abouts in the staffs are ya mate cos am over there in a few weeks ( rugeley ) can have a look at it if you can wait that long if it aint sorted by then
thts bad mine over fuelin at the minte an its pullin more miles to the gallon could be a dodgy fuel fuel gauge
could it be a sensor problem? car seems to idle fine not jerky? seems jerky in first and d second but thats because im a new driver and #### with the clutch.
you did only put £10 in mate, i wouldnt expect that to fill the tank to 3/4 full, more like under half, if i were you i wouldnt start worrying just yet.
fill the tank right up, they set the tripometer to 0000, see how many miles you get till it runs out (obviousely you dont want to let it completely run out:D) then refill it again completely (to see exactly how much fuel has been used) and work out your average mpg. then i would post up what it is and see if its normal.
Mine goes up when I go up hills, and down when I go back down them, so living in devon, it's hard to know what your fuel gauge actually is.

Could be something wrong with the gauge? Mine always goes down in big drops. Like, I can drive 50 miles or so, and it looks like it hasn't changed at all, and then I'll go down a hill, and when I get back on a flat, it's much lower, but like, 50 miles lower.
ok ill fill up completely and ill tell you how many miles i get out of a full tank and you can tell me if its bad or good?
£20 a time thats all i put in it gets around 150 miles for that just under 3 quaters of a tank

that works out to be 30mpg!!! ( i worked out 22.5l at 89.9p)

I put in £30 (89.9p = 33.75l) and i got 260 miles. I take it to the red line and refill and get a little mroe every week since fuel price is dropping.

But mine is giving less then it should as I have 1.6 injectors still on after i removed the turbo kit, I am gonna remove them tomorrow and see how it goes I am expecting at least 280-290 with the normal 1.0 injectors.

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