The petrol gauge on my 2001 1.4 Micra constantly reads "full" after refilling - even after covering about 100 miles. Is there a simple test to see whether the fault lies with the gauge or the fuel tank sender unit?
I couldn´t find the specs on a 2001 (I assume they use the same level sender unit) but on the image below you can see how to check it on a prefacelift. However the float will sure act as a variable resistor so you can take the rear seats out and check resistance. Or you can check the resistance aswell on the tachometer plug added that due to cable length it can show more resistance than directly at the sender plug.
If resistance changes when fuel level drops then gauge is bad, else resistance stays the same sender unit is bad.
*Second image should be your exact pinout for the plug to your tacho*
Thanks for your reply. You have referred to a tachometer but my car doesn't have one - or am I misunderstanding something?
To remove the sender unit, this is dealt with in the FE section of the manual, which I don't have. Is this available online?
You have the manual on this forum for download on "Detailed K11 manual for download" under General Discussion or on the following link:
By tacho i mean cluster like in the image below. Be careful as the manual is for all K11 variants and not all aply for your model. You gotta check the number on the bottom of the page (yours should start with a 7 as in the image).