Fuel filter change

Hi all,

Looking to change my fuel filter, had a look on google to see images and it looks like it's under the bonnet on the right side. I thought it was under the car. So is that correct ??

And how easy is it, any how to's on here ??

Thanks in advance.
Ive done it with the fuel pump fuse removed and without it removed. The only difference it makes is how much fuel spills out when you disconnect the fuel filter. If you take out the fuse and run the engine until it stops, then try restarting the car until it doesn't start any longer it will have drawn most or all of the fuel out of the fuel lines, although there will still be some leakage.

Doing it without the fuse removed is messier but can be done.
Ive done it with the fuel pump fuse removed and without it removed. The only difference it makes is how much fuel spills out when you disconnect the fuel filter. If you take out the fuse and run the engine until it stops, then try restarting the car until it doesn't start any longer it will have drawn most or all of the fuel out of the fuel lines, although there will still be some leakage.

Doing it without the fuse removed is messier but can be done.

If removing the fuse would that mean I'd have problems starting the engine again afterwards ? If so how would I go about starting the engine?
After changing the filter put the fuse back in and turn ignition on but don't start the car. You should hear a whirring sound as the fuel pump primes the system. Wait until the whirring has stopped then start the engine with light pressure on the accelerator. It might take a bit longer than usual to start but it shouldn't take more than a couple of attempts.
After changing the filter put the fuse back in and turn ignition on but don't start the car. You should hear a whirring sound as the fuel pump primes the system. Wait until the whirring has stopped then start the engine with light pressure on the accelerator. It might take a bit longer than usual to start but it shouldn't take more than a couple of attempts.
Would it be better doing this when low on fuel or would it not make a difference having a full tank? Also can someone advise which fuse it is i need to remove.


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