Front engine mount


Ex. Club Member
Apparently I'm told by my local garage that the front bit on my car where the engine mount is, is really rusty or something and they say the labour cost will be around £200 alone. They have to take the front bumper off or so they say. Im guessing its gonna cost at least £350 to sort it. I think it might be worth it in the long run over buying a new car (Well second hand). After that job I need a cigarette lighter fully rewired and fitted plus the wiring in my back lighter doesn't work so probably in the long run that will cost me at least £450 to sort it out I think.....

they probably mean the f/crossmember, why dont you diy ?
drill the spotwelds out, then hire a mig welder for a day, 100 quid all in !
Im pretty useless with car stuff like that. my mum says I should even attempt it. Well maybe if I had a dad or something thats handy with cars, but I dont so Id rather pay.
for £450 i bet you could get a different k11. what are the sills like on yours?
if i had more spare time, i could've helped you, you're only up the road from me. it's a shame i'm busy as hell.
it really is quite an easy job. i've done two now.
i bet the car's not worth much more than £450. does it really make sense to put £450 into a car that's not worth much more?
the crossmembers are only about £50 off ebay.
Really any specific one I should look for, cause if I can get one for that I'm sure it shouldn't cost me £450 just the labour cost alone was £200, yeah I bet I could get another K11 for about that but I think thats all thats wrong with this car is the cross member at the moment, the rear wiper don't work and the cig lighter needs a complete rewire. I doubt Id get another R reg preface lift for that price, well not a GX any way or Id want a Super S. The sills are fine as far as I can tell. I did pay £950 from a dealer at end of july though.

Would a scrappie sell one or is it best to go to a nissan dealer?
Id be happy to pay £100 for you to fit as it is a hell of a lot cheaper than my local garage, even so you have done it before so. I dont see why not until I get paid mind you at the begining of feb :)
Id be happy to pay £100 for you to fit as it is a hell of a lot cheaper than my local garage, even so you have done it before so. I dont see why not until I get paid mind you at the begining of feb :)

feb is fine for me. i'm a bit busy at the moment anyway. it'd have to be at my house though. you have pm

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