Front door speakers don't fit

I bought some JVC CS-V628 speakers to go in my K11 Micra but they don't fit. They are 6.5", which is supposedly the correct size for Micra K11s. They are too small, meaning the mounting holes don't actually line up. It includes metal brackets for drilling new holes but even this won't work because I can't get all 4 of the holes in the hole guide to line up with the metal frame - again, the frame looks too big for a 6.5" speaker.

Do these cars actually take 7" speakers instead?
When I tried 7" they didn't fit at all, like you my 6.5" speakers were too small to mount so I had to put little tabs in to hold the speakers.

'94 k11 dot 1.0
McGill Motorsport steering wheel
Mountney steering wheel boss kit
Poorly fitted aftermarket backbox (3 inch rolled tip)
Lowered on Kilen springs
My mate who owns a car hi-fi shop was very impressed with the 2001/ 2002 Nissan OEM Micra front door speakers. He actually said the build and sound quality was the best he had seen from car manufacturers own brand, the magnets and diaphragms were of very good quality and they fit in the doors with minimal effort! You should get some from a scrappy or ask davyboy if he has some for sale! B-)
My mate who owns a car hi-fi shop was very impressed with the 2001/ 2002 Nissan OEM Micra front door speakers. He actually said the build and sound quality was the best he had seen from car manufacturers own brand, the magnets and diaphragms were of very good quality and they fit in the doors with minimal effort! You should get some from a scrappy or ask davyboy if he has some for sale! B-)
I don't have any, but I could get them, I'm pretty sure there's a set at my local scrappy now.
And I'm going there tomorrow :D
I'll put up that picture in a minute @Andy5077
Turns out speakers that are labelled as 6.5" can actually be anywhere between 16 and 17 cm in diameter. The JVC ones I bought were 16 cm and were too small. I bought a set of Pioneer TS-G1731i, which are 17 cm and fit perfectly.

Annoyingly replacing the speakers hasn't gotten rid of the original problem I had, which is that the left speaker has horrible distortion/crackling at lower volumes and turns off completely at high volumes. :(
Wiring issue then buddy, check the wiring going into the speaker recrimp if necessary and then check the plugs going into the headunit, I've had a cheap adaptor harness before have pins pushed through the back the plug causing a poor connection.

'94 k11 dot 1.0
McGill Motorsport steering wheel
Mountney steering wheel boss kit
Poorly fitted aftermarket backbox (3 inch rolled tip)
Lowered on Kilen springs
Yeah I'm gonna grab my multimeter tomorrow and check the connection between the speaker and adapter harness. If the connection is fine, that narrows it down to either the adapter harness or head unit itself. Hopefully it's just the adapter harness since that's a fair bit cheaper to replace than a head unit and a fair bit easier to replace than the in-door wiring. :)

This looks like my current one, only £3.
Replaced the adapter harness and it didn't help. Now, when I turn the head unit on, I can hear lots of hiss in the left speaker. Once I start a CD track, I hear a pop and then nothing at all. Right speaker continues to work fine. :(
Ok so it's not the harness. You're left with the wiring and the headunit which could be the issue.

'94 k11 dot 1.0
McGill Motorsport steering wheel
Mountney steering wheel boss kit
Poorly fitted aftermarket backbox (3 inch rolled tip)
Lowered on Kilen springs
So I found which wires were for the left speaker, took them out of the head unit to harness plug and connected a new speaker wire from there straight to the speaker. Again, it made no difference. So I guess it must be the head unit itself. If I replace that and the issue is still there then I have no idea what else to try.

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