flywheel clutch question from the netherlands..


» CMF Member

I have 2 questions… the firts is, if it’s possible to upgrade the clutch with other Nissan parts like the n14 or n15, primera clutch??? And if it’s possible if I relocate the bolt holes..??

Because my second question is; is it a good idea to machine the flywheel, i was talking to a tuner who machined my dad’s triumph tr6 flywheel (just lighten it and balance it) that it was possible to lighten my micra flywheel, since a new one is quite expensive… and machining is about 140 euros (don’t know aus dollars).. has anyone know or done this?? I know it will not get as light as a Junn light flywheel.. but still…
This all because my micra project has to be a bit of a cheap project cuz i'm a student and cant afford much more.. :(

Greetz from the Netherlands


» CMF Member
Member since:
A lot of after market flywheels seem to exist because of design limitations on some flywheels when it comes to machining them down, but from what I have seen so far of the Micra ones, I don't see why you can't machine the crap out of them, like Frank did, and I don't think 90% of guys are going to push many of these hard enough to break it either, little engine and all that. *eshrug*

I'll be taking mine off to a machine shop friend soonish, very knowledgeable guy, so I'd be interested to see what he thinks I can shave off mine, from memory stock is like 9kg or so, I'd like down to at least 5-6kg on mine...



» CMF Member
haha love the vid of the diy balancing.. thanx for the feedback, i will have mine machined. im looking for 5, 6 kilos just like bishop. but can i use a frictionplate from a sunny or primera?? and make new holes for the pressure plate..?? or dosnt the splines match, or the bearing....??



» CMF Member
Member since:
the pre-98 1.0,s have a smaller spline lodo, but all the other k11,s have the same spline as many of the sunny/almera/primera,s, but the drill and tapping for a bigger clutch pcd would have to be very accurate tho
here,s the GA16 one machined down to 4.5kg


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» CMF Member
thanx frank2,
i have a '98 1,3 so the splines will match. i think it’s easier to find a GA16 flywheel (if that’s a strait swap, will the original starter still fit??) And I don’t have to leave my car standing for a week because the flywheel is being machined :p
the original sunny 1,6 clutch will be more than sufficient for me. Since the standard micra one survived 60.000 miles of punishment (including the a lot of laps on the nurburgring).
My vacation starts next Wednesday, I’ll post my progress for those who like to read it it ;p

Greetz from a finally sunny(!) Holland.


» CMF Member
Member since:
hopefully you,ll have better luck than me lodo, i,ve just scoured the yards and found loads of GA14 fly,s (same 180mm setup as CG,s but with a phat f/w) and loads of QG fly,s (190mm but starter ring on the engine side) but no GA16 ones tho :(
i did,nt come back empty handed tho lol, japspec CG13 from an auto march G# thingy :) (no harmonic dampened pulley eh !)


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» CMF Member
Wow, that looks like a fine project as well ;p. (fyi.. the engine is in the wrong place my friend .. :O)

but i do still have a question about the fw... i need the fw of a GA16, (so a 1,6) but from which year are those..?? are those the 90's models?.. and have the engine in the sunny, primera, 100nx, almera all the same fw?? So I need the ones with the starter ring on the clutch side (u provided me with a good pic so when Im spending hours on a scrapyard I know where to look for ..

is there much different between the euro spec and japspec cg13 engines..?? and i would not know if i have a harmonic dampened pulley… ..?? I’ll check.. and where’s the engine for..?? another project?? Or parts?


» CMF Member
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yes lodo, n15 almera and other nissans from that era i believe, tho i came across a GA16 today that had the starter under the inlet mani which meant the ring gear was on the other side of the f/w (like the QG.s)
baguete has the alloy fidanza f/w from the US (which are about 1/3 the price of a jun iirc) there are pics etc in his MSC blog
and there are tales of higher compression etc with the japspec CG,s..... we shall see :)
and the pulleys were covered on here recently


» CMF Member
Aha, mythical tale about higher compression.. spooky ;p dint know that..

But thanx for all the info, I contacted a dude who dismantle jap cars, and he had a ga16 fw with the right starter ring. I’m about to pay the man 50 euro (= 44,50 pond) including postage. Reasonable price? I saw a exedy clutch (OEM)on ebay for 100 euro!! Do u have an idea what lightning and balancing will cost..?? I heard around 150 euros, but find that a bit steep… (??)


» CMF Member
Member since:
thats a good price for the f/w lodo, and our local camgrinder charges £50 for machining and £50 for balance
but i usually borrow a lathe for beer money, and diy
if you get a local machinist to skim the back off and leave a 2mm step near the starter ring (arrowed in the 1st pic), you will be able to check if they got it running true and not imbalanced if you ensure that its 2mm all around the lip