Flashing airbag light

I know there are several threads about this, but I haven't been able to find a solution.

I inherited a '98 1.3 5-door GX from my Dad, who had it from new. Although it's a great little car I really don't need it, but even with 11 months MOT I think it may be difficult to sell with a flashing airbag light. It has driver's airbag only.

I tried the "switch ignition on and off and count to 5 3 times" suggestion, no change.

I recall my Dad telling me a few years ago that the dealer said it was a fault and it needed a new airbag. I am reluctant to take out bulbs or disconnect wires to disable the light, as I don't think that is right.

1. A number of posts I have seen suggest checking some wiring connections under the driver's seat. I have stuck my head right under the seat, and can find no wires at all. Am I looking in the wrong place, and how can I check this further? I am keen to eliminate this as a potential problem before I move on to...

2. I have seen used airbags or whole steering wheels on ebay for as little as £25. How easy would it be to replace the existing airbag??

Also slightly off topic but where is the best place to advertise an old Micra.

Thanks in advance

First thing to do, check the airbag fuse.
Its simple, its obvious and its always over looked.
There are 3 platic covers around the edges of the steering wheel, remove these and check for any disconnected wires. You are at no danger with this btw.
Will do that tomorrow when it's light, although would hope the dealer would have done that... Do you know anything about these supposed conections under the seat?
That seems like rubbish too me, even if they did they may have missed something dealer mechanics aren't always the most experienced, there three very obvious flaps with little cut outs in them to flick them out. Should be one easily visible connection for the horn right at the front and one not so easy too see this connects too the airbag.
Thanks. Will start with the connectors and if not then will disassemble the whole airbag. Worth noting the horn is intermittent so may well be the same problem that frank linked.
Could very well be that then. You'll need some substantial sized t45-t50 security torx tools to get the air bag off.
The horn is now working, it appears to havee been a loose connection. The airbag electical connector looks good. The fuse by the drivers footwell is good. A visual inspection through the flaps shows no visible damage to what I assume is the ribbon/spool. I do have a circuit tester but as I don't know what readings I should be looking for, if indeed any, that's no help.

I am thinking of buying a second hand wheel/airbag assembly on ebay and fitting that. If I do will the ECU reset autimatically when I connect it?

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