Factory Horn Wiring


Brutal Honesty
Does anyone know how the horn is wired up to the steering column and wheel from factory?

Only asking because I need to rewire the horn to the steering wheel but I have both horn wires running to a button on the dash so not sure the copper ring on the steering column is getting a live feed.

Pics, diagrams, anything would be helpgul :)

The two wires are your live wires the button simply breaks the circuit
Your steering column would be your earth
Yes yes I'm aware of that :)

Me and electrics are a no no in general.

Looking at it now, I have 2 wires, red and black. What do I do with them? xD

One needs to go to the column and one needs to feed a live to the copper ring behind the boss, I can then wire my horn button on the boss.
But how is power fed to the ring? :O

Layman's terms :)

slip ring with wire

copper nipple is positive feed to slip ring

Second wire earthed to boss through steering column

slip ring on end of boss

Wires connected to horn switch
Good good :)

This bit

"copper nipple is positive feed to slip ring"

I need to know how the nipple is fed a live.
under the steering column will be a feed from fusebox probs

All my wiring has been removed and I need to figure out how to plumb it back to how it was.
There's 2 wires.

If you have time, could you dig around the column looking for the two?
It's a **** storm!

Okay so I've had a poke about with the horn. Somewhat successful and some questions still unanswered. Here's the pics of the mess of wiring and some explanation just in case anyone else messes their horn up..

Summary: I got the horn working with the horn button on the wheel. Bad news is the nipple didn't make contact with my copper ring so I've wired it back to the dash for now.

This is what I was left with and what was wired to the dash

This looks like the earth point

And this is what provides the live to the nipple

This is where it gets ugly.

Da fook? This is what I done to wire the horn to my dash :oops:

Under the pretty electrical tape was this. I believe it slides in a slot behind the nipple and provides a live to it. The green wire with the BLACK plug is what plugs into this.

My problem is here, the nipple wasn't making contact with the copper ring

So I mocked up a temporary contact point to test the horn was functional, which it was


As far as I'm aware, I never had the black earth wire connected and the horn still sounded, how?

One side of my horn button was wired to the boss ring, the other I held against the steering column.

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