My brother recently passed his test so we needed to shop for a first car. After playing around on Photoshop we came up with this ...
So we bought this ...
Which admittedly looked rough as ####, however we were able to see past that. Under the 'leather' the interior was filthy. However after a word with the friendly Polish blokes at the local carwash, they soon had the seats out and the whole car looking as good as new. They even jet washed the engine, and all for £40.
Offering up the wheels, the offset is looks much better than we anticipated with the Photoshop and spacers were not required ...
And now it looks like this ...
In convoy with Club Polo on it's way to Edition38, the largest VW show in the country, where it got a surprisingly good reception...

So we bought this ...

Which admittedly looked rough as ####, however we were able to see past that. Under the 'leather' the interior was filthy. However after a word with the friendly Polish blokes at the local carwash, they soon had the seats out and the whole car looking as good as new. They even jet washed the engine, and all for £40.
Offering up the wheels, the offset is looks much better than we anticipated with the Photoshop and spacers were not required ...

And now it looks like this ...

In convoy with Club Polo on it's way to Edition38, the largest VW show in the country, where it got a surprisingly good reception...