So today saw the final heat shield go in the bin, it started to rattle on the way home last night, has anyone ever replaced them after rotting through, or has it been ok to run without them?
Well in my k12 its running without. I did buy one to place over the manifold. But can't get the bolts out..
However it seems to be fine. But the thing I noticed right off the bat. The engine bay seems pretty warm different to those that have shields installed.
Secondly the wiring may get brittle sooner with the temps.
But other than that not much difference apart maybe we don't get any rattles from heatshields..
One more thing I'd like to add. The shields are designed to prevent long grass catching fire under the vehicle.
In most cases that would only affect you if you park off the road or run the engine while parked in such areas.
Maybe something like that would work for me. I can see a couple bolts that could possibly work.
Just would need to find a decent bit of sheet metal to work with.
Maybe something like that would work for me. I can see a couple bolts that could possibly work.
Just would need to find a decent bit of sheet metal to work with.
I was looking at what metals I could use. I think It would look nice with perforated sheeting. Maybe still lets a lot of heat passed though.
Will measure it up soon so I get a better idea of what I will need.
Edit:- Got some really ultra thin sheet with cardboard on it. Going to try parting the two and see what it's like maybe double it over.
Size I got is 58 cm x 43 cm.
After removal of the card its so thin it can be shaped but returns to original shape.
And looks galvanized both sides.
IMO its way to thin but that might be a good thing.
Will move over to my blog so not to spam this thread..