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Ex. Club Member
Hey all.

My name's Justin and I love my Micra K10 LS to bits. I'm considering doing work to it, but with my current schedule, taking it off the road to do any work on it my self (what I want to do) isn't exactly possible. Sort of weighing up either buying a new one to work on, or taking it off the road and getting a new run around car. I was considering doing some mods, but nothing to the body. Perhaps new shocks and a stabilizer. Dunno.

Only image: http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c163/alerea/P1010061.jpg
It's from a few years back when I first started driving. It's in good nick, few scratches and a few dents where some gimp kicked it because I parked "in his space". :glare:
Howdo Justin, welcome to the MSC... :)

depends what youre planning on doing / how good the car is i suppose...if its rust free etc then it'd probably be a better idea to carry out the work on that one, however if you can track down a mint shelled one (if yours isnt) then you'll have found your project car. :)

tbh depending on the mods youre thinking of doing...suspension upgrades for example are things you can fit in a weekend, so taking the car off the road isnt totally necessary.
depends what youre planning on doing / how good the car is i suppose...if its rust free etc then it'd probably be a better idea to carry out the work on that one, however if you can track down a mint shelled one (if yours isnt) then you'll have found you project car. :)
I've spent about £500 making sure the chassis is completely rust free, there are a few spots of rust on the body work, but the car as a whole is in pretty good nick. I'm currently having issues with a grinding noise when I try and start it. Mechanic originally thought it was the starter motor (bye bye £200) but now is telling me it's a starter ring or something...I've ordered a Haynes manual so I can look some of this stuff up...Not that I don't trust him or anything. :suspect:

There's one around 50 miles from me that's done, apparently, around 45,000 miles. Outside looks in mint and the interior is perfect. All for £250 (spent £100 on mine). Owned by a granny I assume...So I'm considering that.

tbh depending on the mods youre thinking of doing...suspension upgrades for example are things you can fit in a weekend, so taking the car off the road isnt totally necessary.
That's cool, I always seem to over estimate time span with everything. I've never really done much work on cars before, worked with home made go-carts though. Is a flat surface needed to jack up a car? I've only got a drive way to work on and it's on a slight gradient so that sort of concerns me. Ontop of that...Know where I can grab a good set of tools at a fairly low price? ;)
mmm i can see your problem with trying to choose between cars :)

if its the ring gear / starter ring...you'll probably be looking at a new flywheel, id advise a trip to the scrap yard if thats the case.

the haynes will give you loads of detailed info (especially the k10 version of the manual) it tells you how to go about rebuilding your gearbox (if you ever have the urge lol) if youre starting to learn / improve your mechanical knowledge youve deffinatly chosen the correct car, really easy to work on :)

a slight gradient you should be fine (depends on our opinion of slight gradient)...all i normally do, if i have to work on a slight hill is put bricks at the back/front wheels (depending on which end youre jacking up) to stop the car rolling and keep it in gear / handbrake on , then once the cars jacked up support it in a few places to help stablise it (but then ive got a few different jacks available)...

i also avoid getting underneath the car when its like this, cos if it was to fall i guarantee the car will win. (however things like placing the removed wheels under the sills would provide support should the car slip)...

If your working with limited tools (e.g. standard nissan jack), id advise as the k10 is tall anyway, its easy to fit underneath (doubt you'd ever really need to) with all four wheels on the ground...or what i do the most is just work on one corner at a time...though i still use the bricks. :)

tools wise, a good few bits ive gotten from the local market thats near me...cheap second hand items are the way to go lol...so id reckon keep your eyes peeled, just incase :)

oh and youre better off over estimating the time taken, so you can have a nice break afterwards...than having to rush it cos you need the car... :)
if its the ring gear / starter ring...you'll probably be looking at a new flywheel, id advise a trip to the scrap yard if thats the case.
If my mechanic thinks replacing the ring gear is needed, what sort of things could I squeeze in at the same time? As I understand it, the charge in labour alone is quite hefty. A lighter flywheel springs to mind, but the loss in hill momentum is something that worries me. LOTS of hills around here and my baby struggles on some of them with a standard setup. What about a new clutch? (I think the clutch is in that area!:laugh:)

This is turning into "What should I mod?" now. :doh:
hi justin

its a myth that light flywheels are no good on hills, your car will accelerate quicker on the flat and likewise on a hill, its has the same effect as removing weight from the car
i would get a spare f/w and have it machined, as for the clutch, it will depend on the condition of yours


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