Escort Cosworth Monthe Carlo



My neighbour has been getting his hands on a mates Cosworth Monte Carlo, he says its really fast and would like me to get some information on them, supposibly theres only 170 right hand drive ones in the uk and his mate has one of them, I cant find any information on the net so if anyone knows anything, help would be appreciated :upside:, i might get to ride in it :D
From what I remember they were a ltd edition (as you say) to mark the end of production and came with toys like leather seats, air con, leccy sunroof anf mirrors, but as they were later ones, had the smaller turbo, there is a tiny bit of info here :)
I honestly have no idea, but from about 2 mins worth of googling it looks like there was 200 made. o_O Though I have no idea on their drive position. Your mate could be right about there being 170 made that are right hand drive.

Sorry I couldn't be more help. :( A lot of its in another language. :down:
Craig said:
From what I remember they were a ltd edition (as you say) to mark the end of production and came with toys like leather seats, air con, leccy sunroof anf mirrors, but as they were later ones, had the smaller turbo, there is a tiny bit of info here :)

get away! they came with mirrors???? Technology eh? :p
well thanks for all the help,

I reckon this one im talking about must be massively modified in the engine department, ill try get some pics when i see it