Error P1650

I suddenly get the error P1650 which seems to be the motor starter relay.

At the same time the MIL flashes yellow and the start stop function indicates an error.

Anyone had this kind of error and knows how to solve it?

It’s a Micra K13 Dig-s.


Kind regards
I checked the workshop manual and it should be the motor restart relay or the idle start stop relay.

I will have to check it.

I have not heard of any Recalls.
P1650 starter is interlocked & inhibited by ECU & IPDM due to faults implied by :

Quote; “ MIL flashes yellow and the start stop function indicates an error”.

Possibly due to low voltages in the stop/start system corroded fusible links, low battery or its connections. ;)
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in case anyone comes here...I believe it is just down to the battery. Either wearing out or you have put in a cheap variant rather than a AGM £250 proper one. No one has ever really got to the bottom of it other than changing batteries. Changing the L2 module did not help(Nissan garage £600) . Only happens on the Digi auto 2011 IMHO