
» CMF Member
Member since:
I've been reading alot about everyone turbo charging there 1.3 engines in there micras but i was curious to see that no one has put the 1.5 liter turbo engine out of a nissan cherry turbo into the k11 i have an engine sitting at home with the gearbox complete. When i went to measure up i was quite surprised to see the mounting points are near idencal. So i was just seening has anyone else atempented this convision and if so and info i need to know.Be nice to have a easy 200-220 bhp in the k11 with plenty more avableable


» CMF Member
Member since:
In Australia its illegal to put an older engine into a newer car, not sure of the legislation over there...

Also the E15ET engines aren't a very good choice for a K11 chassis either... Honestly, the CG series engines are one of the best engineered Nissan engines I have seen.

Hell it just screams "turbo me!". You could turbo your engine with less money and get around the same performance of dropping in an E15ET engine



» CMF Member
Member since:
I know you all say not to bother to do it but if i did a CG engine i would need to get forged pistons rods manifold made where if i ues the ET15 it was designed to take a turbo and i wouldn't need to spend a forturne to get the same power as cusio can get with the CG. Yes in ireland as long as the car passes an emissons test you are allowed to have it


» CMF Member
Member since:
what mileage lump have you in mind for the 1.5 turbo? you might end up having to maintain it all the time to stop it going dead? go for it though it you can do the custom fitting at no cost. ie by yourself or friends etc. then no harm done to your wallet. you can get 200bhp @fly from the 1.3 with standard internals. just need an uprated gasket.



» CMF Member
Member since:
E15ET runs the same gearbox that you'd want to be running with a turbo CG13DE, i.e. RS5F31A or preferably V, so no difference in work there.
RHS engine mount is no real biggie.
There'd be a lot of rewiring thou and the old E15 computer, plugs & loom suffers a bit form it's age (dry joints, reliability of components). Then there's the flap style AFM, cam belt & the factory turbo isn't watercooled.
For the work involved you could pick a better newer motor GA, CA, SR etc whoihc have all beemn discussed before or just stick with the CG.
We have no emmissions laws in NZ, last country in the developed world. We've got the same anti smoking laws thou.


» CMF Member
Member since:

If you really wanted an engine conversion:

13BTPP north/south mounted. Running a S2 RX7 box with a custom trans tunnel with an RX3 shortened diff and custom one piece tailshaft.

Its possible...
