Engine stalling

have some problems with my k12 2005, engine is stalling while driving, and after it's stalling it's hard to start again. Have changed the crank sensor and cam shaft sensor but still got the problem, the car can work fine for days and the it can come 4-5 times per day. could it be some o2 sensor or some ignition problems? or is it the coil? some times when i start it my micra have very low RPM on idling and even the lights will not come on intil i give it pedal to the metall :p
the code reader says it's the crank sensor is faulty, but the car can stop and no error code can pop up.

Please help. have been in to the garage 3 times and still no fix for it :(
yeah sounds like a crack in your air intake box get that checked out!see past posts mate a pit of sticky tape fixes the problem

Have checked the airbox, i could'nt find any crack with my eyes, is the crack inside the box? also have problem with my headlight bulbs some months ago, they exploded and then i changed them and had to buy new one 3-4 days after that again, så could it be the coil or voltage regulator?
it stopped today then i was standing still and hit about 5000RPM then it took about 2 minutes and it was ready to start again.
i cant understand the fact that your fuses didnt blow first.... humm yeah , you have to take the air box off and see if any water comes through any holes lol make sure its BONE DRY before you put it back on :eek:), if you cant find any holes then as frank said it could be ya chain mate, where abouts are you from vang 1?
im from Norway, the mechanic said it could not be the chain because it's adjusts it self when it get streched, but they did'nt check it. Hopefully the nissan dealer i'm goiing to on friday nest week will find the fault om my car
mate it can be the chain as the tensioner maxes out and it cant adjust its self anymore, take off the top part of ya engin only takes a few bolts :eek:) look at the air box seal ya problem is probably round there :eek:)
mate it can be the chain as the tensioner maxes out and it cant adjust its self anymore, take off the top part of ya engin only takes a few bolts :eek:) look at the air box seal ya problem is probably round there :eek:)

okey :)
gonna change the crank sensor tomorrow, they had only changed the cam shaft sensor, but im gonna make them to check the chain, i think the problem must be there. gonna report here when i find the fault :)

Btw... here is my car:


:confused: was at a Nissan Mechanic garage today.... Still no fix for my car... im som confused now. What shall i do? they testet the car, checked all the the electronics and still no errors, just the damn Cam Shaft sensor error, but hav changed the sensor and still fault :( this is the 5th time i have a mechanic to take a look at my car. 2 minutes after i was at the mechanic and i was going home,the k12 stopped again, They said it could be somthing wrong with my Monter soundsystem, so they disconnected the powercables for it, but when i came home, it stopped again. and then i realise its only happends when i have various RPM on the car i think, like 3000 RPM and then pump the pedal up to 5500-7000 RPM and fast down to 2,5 RPM and then up again.

Any tips and tricks? could it be the ECU? if i can't fix this within a month, i think i will sell the car, going to mechanic to mechanic around in norway is expensive.

i believe the k12,s have an inlet valve v-tec type system, which probably kick,s in at about 3000 rpm (retarding the inlet cam), so it does point to a chain problem imo
Still no fix for my k12 :(
talked to Nissan here in norway and they could not understand what it could that was wrong and told me to go to the mechanics again to check it.
have changed Cam Shaft sensor and Crack sensor, air filter, oil, and removed my car stereo. Could it be the sparkplugs ? dont knoow when they was changed, but could be a couple of years since.
Change the chain, and get a new car stereo, then it'll be hunky dory..

Oh, and spark plugs could do with changing.. maybe I was wrong about the stereo lol!

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