Hi my miss has brought an 08 k12 only had car 2 weeks on start up there was a rattling noise from the engine on drivers side when I got her to push the clutch in the noise stopped released the clutch it came back it dosent do it all the time and some times its not very loud but always the same noise which goes when you push the clutch in the car is a 1.2 66000 on the clock could it be clutch bearing?.

hi its coming from the top of the engine on the drivers side its not trim or the heatshield my k11 has a heat shield rattle its not the same noise.

As above, could be chain, but could it possibly be a smaller heat shield covering the manifold?

Not sure if K12s have them but I imagine they would? I had the same on my K11, thought the engine was gonna die... But it was the manifold shield...

Thinking on it... Damn, aren't heat shields a pain in the bum!?

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