engine might be seized


Ex. Club Member
grr. 18 months without a rocker cover has taken its toll i fear.

charged the battery and went to start it earlier today and..... turn turn turn... stop. starter clicking.... give it a minute....... turn turn then it would just turn slowly (you know how usualy they turn in waves as the comprerssion stroke happens... well this was more like a museum diarama.... just slowly turning. but the battery wasdnt dimming at all.... pleanty of power...

so i think it may be seized.

if i take the plugs out and spray wd40 in the bores and spin it over a few times will that help or is it stuffed?>:laugh:
Well the fact that it's turning over means it's not seized, just a bit stiff. So yes wd40 would help, but also make sure that the clutch isn't partially stuck as that can cause extra drag. Also turning it over with the throttle all the way down will ease the vacuum level in the manifold and make it easier, plus it won't flood.
thanks guys. yeah was thinking that if the cam cover has been off for 18 months then maybe its the cams that have gotten stiff??..maybe?

im taking the head off anyway to fit the second head gasket.. :laugh:
Oh well if you're taking the head off then just leave it to soak in a bucket of oil over-night. Putting engine oil in the cylinders is fine, if you don't have a cat. But everyone has their own ways and tricks so it's up to you.
:wasntme:right. i charged the battery back up over night and gave it a go this morning and.... its not seized... not even tight..lol :wasntme:
must have been a sticky starter motor.

not started her yet as the plugs are crap and its got no fuel in it.
but i do have the suspension on!! yaay..(Y)

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