Engine Check Light

I bought my little micra about a year ago with close to 160k on the clock. Since I bought it, the engine has been making a dreadful noise and it has been drinking coolant. No problem I thought, just ignore the noise and fill it up with coolant whenever it runs out (I'm talking like a litre of coolant for every 50 miles or so).

Anyway, it happily served me for just over 4,000 miles and I assumed it was indestructible, however, when a low mileage engine popped up for £50 I couldn't resist. I drove over to collect it and on the way back a light popped up under my fuel gauge with check on it. I assume this means somethings gone fairly wrong with my engine, in which case it was lucky I had the new engine in the boot :laugh: .

Anyways, as with the noises, I ignored this light and drove another 50 miles back home. Does anyone have any ideas what the old girl was trying to tell me? I'll have the new engine in by Monday, but I'm just curious what might have gone wrong. It kept on going at about 80mph even with the warning light on but sounded particularly rough at idle.

I still think it's indestructable, I just think the lights malfunctioned...

Awesome, thanks! I wonder what problem it's logged, that engine has hundreds of issues!

I look forward to finding out once I finish work.

Oh yeah, almost forgot, are there any guides on here for swapping an engine? If not I'll take the camera out to the garage and produce a photo walkthrough of how to swap an engine (I've done a few of these for the sxoc).

Let me know if it would be appreciated and I'll knock one up for you.


God, I'm an idiot sometimes. I read you instructions about shorting the top two right hand pins, went outside to do it and somehow decided I'd read the top two opposite pins :down: Result was a big spark and the car wouldn't start.

I thought I'd fried my ECU, luckily I had a feeling it could of been the engine control fuse and it was. I replaced it and all was fine. However, I'd scared myself at that point and called it a day. I'll try it again (with the correct pins) tomorrow and see if I have more luck!

I guess that's what's to be expected when you take on jobs like that after returning from the pub :blush:

My Engine Check Light turned on the other day but the car seems to run just fine and there's nothing unusual about it except the engine check light.

I've search the forum high and low but unfortunately I wasn't able to find any substantial info or illustration to perform the diagnostic myself.

I'd like to verify if this is the right interface to short using paper clip to go get into diagnostic and get the fault code.

I scheduled to perform the diagnostic tomorrow (Sunday) and just this morning the Check Engine light is already gone.

The Check Engine light was ON for a week.

What does this mean? The ECU reset itself? The error code banish? etc...

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