when i got mine of Kris, i got both motors and SuperS switches with a load of wiring that didnt make sense... i managed to get it all working in a bout a day but took a bit of messing, trial and error and that...
>Pass motor 2 wires (Grey/blue and Grey/red)
these clip into Passenger Switch unit via connector block...
>the Passenger Switch Unit has 4 wires (Black, Red, Green & White)
> all these wires trail through car to Drivers switch unit and connect to exactly the same colour wires...
> the Drivers Switch unit also has an adittional Yellow wire which is to the battery, but i just attached to the Red togehter with the Yellow then to suitable Ignition wire ie when key is in and turned on...
then Ground the Black wire and its should all work fine...
as i used the rear demister to source my ign feed i had to change the 15 fuse to a 20 as it kept blowing every few days...
you could also wire direct to battery and have an inline fuse, but then car windows will open without keys...
hope this helps...