Micra K11ng
Right - this caused a bit of a fuss last time, so lets not go down that road againg please.
Was speaking to Ed about this last night, but forgot to ask him about this.
Now i've got the 1.3 in, currently i'm still using the CG10 ECU. So have spoken to Chie, and he is sending his old one up to me. (Cheers mate
Now, heres the fun part. Will the mileage all go out now? It's the K11 2000 i've got and it has the digital dash. Now i've got a funny feeling that it may go, cause as far as i know, the mileage will probally be stored in the ECU.
Was speaking to Ed about this last night, but forgot to ask him about this.
Now i've got the 1.3 in, currently i'm still using the CG10 ECU. So have spoken to Chie, and he is sending his old one up to me. (Cheers mate
Now, heres the fun part. Will the mileage all go out now? It's the K11 2000 i've got and it has the digital dash. Now i've got a funny feeling that it may go, cause as far as i know, the mileage will probally be stored in the ECU.