Does the Club have a NATS expert?


Ex. Club Member
As it says in the title, I need to speak to some about bypassing NATS, does anyone know much about them?

I can supply an ECU that will remove nats on your car. Its £100 + ECU (I need to be supplied with a non-nats one which I modify) I can also supply that which usually adds about another £40

I can supply an ECU that will remove nats on your car. Its £100 + ECU (I need to be supplied with a non-nats one which I modify) I can also supply that which usually adds about another £40



Of course you would be the man,

I'm not looking to change my ECU, i'm after a work around, problem is my rally car is a facelift micra and I am sure its got NATS, I have been told that it was used in a way that the NATS system would find on a rally stage any faults by beeping the fault code. So it would beep morse code and on the dash they had wrote down what the fault meant that it was beeping and you could do repairs that way!

I have tried running with the pectel ECU and it wont fire the car up, but a standard ECU with a NATS key will fire it and it will run fine.

Im sure its the NATS messing the Pectel, I just wanted to know how and if I could fix it?

Nats wont in any way affect the Pectel ecu. Nats and the ECU are seperate devices, but the nats does talk to the ecu IF the ECU is nats enabled. If not then it becomes irrelevent.

There are different versions of wiring for the K11 obviously nats and non nats. Its likely that the Pectel ECU is wired for the non nats version which is why it will not be working on your Nats equipped car.

would it not just be a case of swopping the engine loom over? and maybe soldering on different plugs for the power and fuel pump driver etc?
Nats wont in any way affect the Pectel ecu. Nats and the ECU are seperate devices, but the nats does talk to the ecu IF the ECU is nats enabled. If not then it becomes irrelevent.

There are different versions of wiring for the K11 obviously nats and non nats. Its likely that the Pectel ECU is wired for the non nats version which is why it will not be working on your Nats equipped car.


Cheers Ed,

Ok, the car used to run with the Pectel, but since I got it and rebuilt it I didnt have a key set for it so I got a second hand set (with the red bit on it) and a standard Ecu so see if I could get it going and it worked.
Now I have put the Pectel on and it wont fire the car up and I think it could be NATS but if you have any other ideas I love to hear them?
Not really, anything else and I would need to do diagnostics on the car.