Digital speedo stuck at 28mph?! + Revs hunting

Hi all,

I bought an SR at the weekend and I'm loving it so far.

I notice that, although the speedo dial works, the digital speed display is stuck at 28mph, unless I've miss understood this display?

Screen Shot 2018-09-04 at 16.40.34.png

The other issue is that the revs hunt between 1500 and 2500 when off throttle and pulling up but settle once under about 5mph. I am speculating that they may be related issues caused by a faulty speed sensor somewhere.

The engine light is on and I have ordered a code reader so hopefully that will shed some light on the cause. Are either of these problems common?

Update: I bought a cheapo OBD2 reader, I'm quite impressed with it. It isn't able to read all systems but was able to tell me that the MAF circuit has an issue... this is likely the cause of my low speed / low throttle rev issue.

I'm going to need a more sophisticated diagnosis reader to tell me why the digital speedo is stuck at 28mph.

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