Differences in performance between MA12s? Handling of 1.0s vs 1.2s


Ex. Club Member
I had a chance to drive a friends 1991 K10 GS, just like my 1992 with the 5 speed. She keeps her one well maintained and it ran fine but I am darn sure it did not have the nice haul in second gear that mine has. I'm sure I'm imagining it but were there any differences in the MA12 over time?

Also, my GS handles a hell of a lot better than the 89 1.0 LS I have. The shocks in both are pretty new, and the bushes on are fine on both cars, but the GS rolls less and has a firmer ride. Much more fun. Where there differences in the suspension set up between different models?
Weird, I suppose the igntion timing mght be out, different gear ratio?? Have you different wheels?
the gear ratio between the 1.0 and the 1.2 is different. the 1.0 is way shorter. also there are various ratios on the 5 speed 1.2 as well.
could be a number of things, different miles, timing, condition of engine, tyre pressures, engine oil, gearbox oil will all make differance,

as regards handling, all 1.2's had a rear anti-roll bar fitted as standars, where as the 1.0's didnt, hence why your 1.2 handels better.
Yes you can but it's one hell of a job and you WILL need to replace the link arms and the bushings in the link arms. I removed one from the auto i stipped because i didn't want to wast the anti-roll bar, but let me tell you... never again! I ended up taking off the whole axle and leaving it all attached, bloody thing...

When it comes to differences in individual cars, the character of the car depends on the life it lives, if you run it on rat-poison supermarket fuel and don't do much long distance motorway crusing then your engine will be sooted up and subdued.
If you use good quality fuels, treat the motor right instead of thrashing the life out of it, maintain it and do plenty of motorway miles then your engine will be cleaner, sharper and smoother.
Some 4-door micras ran on Monroe gas reflex shocks n springs, they are unbelievable. Changing from stock to Monroe's is like going from cornering in a double-decker bus, to cornering in a Jag. What a difference...



As far as i'm aware there were two types of MA12 (A & S) and three types of MA10 (A, S and i forget but i'm sure the last one is B). Each one was designed to change with the times i.e. when everyone shifted from 4star leaded petrol to the lower octane unleaded fuel, nissan increased the compression ratios to get the best out of the lower octane fuel.

On the whole though, in every thousand identical cars mass-produced, for some reason a handfull of them turn out to be something special. When you are lucky enough to have one of those special cars, you know it, and nothing else will ever quite match it.
can somebody upload a picture of the antirollbar? I don't know exactly what you mean (don'T know the german word and the part which it should be)
Dampers and struts make a massive difference to the feel of the cars ride.The stock shocks that came with the Micra were adequate but with age were awfull.So no two cars would feel the same to drive if the the suspession had been re-newed.Just done mine what a difference.

Same kind of thing with 1.2 engine the difference would be gearing,weight is guess the bigger engine was designed for a bit ot extra go on the motoway and this is were the gearing really comes into its own.

Just my spin on it (Y)
Thanks guys. I love my GS even more now. (Y) even if she does sounded a bit tappety and that ECC is STILL not quite right. :doh:
can somebody upload a picture of the antirollbar? I don't know exactly what you mean (don'T know the german word and the part which it should be)

Der Antirollbar ist ein Metallstab, der die zwei Aufhängungsarme in der Hinterseite vom Auto verbindet. Es verringert das Rollen des Autoskörpers.

I hope that was correct *geek*
To fit one, you need to change the suspention link arms because the standard arms are round, whereas the arms used with the antirollbar are square with holes in them for the bar to bolt to. Removing the link arms is a very slow, very frustrating job because the rubber bushings collapse around the bolts and stop them from turning. Even an impact gun struggles.

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