Did any K11's come with an electric sunroof.


Ex. Club Member
Title say's it all. Winding the handle is a minor inconvenience, plus it'd be something cool to have. Just wondering if I could retrofit one, or would I have to make my own. Can't see much room for a motor.
as far as im aware they were all manual...you coud probably make it electric if you could find a motor suitable for the job, maybe a bit of work to get it in though.

Depends if you can be bothered with the hassle of making it all fit and work :)
The only problem I can see is making a motor which will fit between the plastic facia of the handle, and the roof.

I might investigate the dimensions tomorrow afternoon.
i have looked into this and some nissan march's came with electric sunroofs. The only sunroof with the same switches and same sort of size is a nissan sunny electric sunroof.
So I will have to find a sunny with an electric sunroof, or a march, for a possible factory-like install. Otherwise bodge it somehow.
random question but do you know how much roughly would a new sunroof cost? as mine has that green mouldy stuff on it
yeah because eventually i think the mould will eat up the seal then it will start to leak

ahh got an idea matey if your having problems finding one of those sunny electric sunroofs im sure you'd be able to use an electric window kit and mod it to fit?
That's actually a brilliant suggestion. Thanks for that.

Erm, as for the seal. I don't think it'll do too much. It's meant to last a long time. I also don't think it's mould, I have a feeling it's algea or moss.
Mine's got moss growing on it as well, so it seems this si a common issue. I don't think it actually lives on the rubber itself, more likely it feeds off the dirt which builds up and the water which sits around the seal. In any case, I'm going to find out when I have a go at cleaning it tomorrow and let you know :)

Nice idea re. electric sunroof, it's nice having electric windows etc. being used to my K10 (which Wifey now has) but the K10 sunroof is a lot easier to pop open whilst driving compared to winding a handle!


But why shouldn't I try making something no one else known has, or makes life easier.

Like, when I can, I plan to make my 1 litre as powerful as possible. Most people will see it as a waste of time, and money, when you can wump a 1.3 in, but I see it as a technical exercise.
Well, i had a look. Any modification isn't gonna be easy. And there's no way of fitting a motor there without making my own facia or leaving it bare.

So hopefully I stumble across a Sunny in the scrapyard, and pray it has an electric sunroof of some sorts.