Dead Car - Help Needed!!

i managed to start my car this morning and travel approx 0.5 miles, then with no warning it completely died!. i drove it sat night and it was perfect. it wont bump start or even tick over! there are no lights at all appearing on the dash. it's as if it had competely given up?

the battery is not in the best of condition but can it JUST be down to the battery? i would've thought i'd get at least a faint turnover.

any help will be greatly appreciated! cheers, Jon
no lights on the dash would usually mean a fuse!!!! (but others as well)

thats the first point of call id check.....all fuses in car and in engine bay!!!!

narrow down the possibilities one at a time and easist first.... unless your sure about something it might be first!!!!

have you got any say....headlights!!!! interior light!!!?????

i'll have a look at the fuses when i get back later. the interior light did work when i got in, didn't test the headlights etc. i'll try later. if there's enough juice to power the interior light, i guess it might not be the battery?? what fuse(s) could relate to a completely dead dash? cheers
if battery terminal was loose etc then you wouldnt have power to anything really....but as you have got power to parts of the then no its not terminals!!!!! (although it could be if one cracked?)

so thats one possiblity out the way!!!!

if it wont tick over at when you turn key to start have no lights on dash......then.....??? anything happen? engine tries to start? any light on dash flicker? any noises?

im asking htese questions so i can maybe help and when others read this they can also help as you have provided more details!!! :grinning:

Check the main fuse (a big 80amp thing stuck near the battery) If this has gone it's expensive but fixable. Also check the battery connections and voltage.

cheers guys! i'll check over the terminals/connectors later...fingers crossed it's something simple. thinking about it i did have some white powdery mess build up on the battery terminals. i just washed it of with boiling water and re-greased the terminals

just to confirm.......i have no signs of ignition life whatsoever. no dash lights come on, there is no turn over at all, no noises, nothing!

i have no voltage reading equipment, so if i cant find a simple fix i may have to admit defeat!! cheers
Sorry to state the obvious, but have you checked the battery fluid levels?

Im no expert, but Im guessin it could be a possibility?

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