

Ex. Club Member
Sorry if i've posted this in the wrong place. I was really looking for a bit of advice as i don't know anything about this kinda thing.

My front crossmember seems to be a bit rusty & is due for an MOT, i've taken it round a few garages to see what they advised and for prices. I've had some saying its fine, some saying that it needs plated, some saying it needs a new one & one saying that i need an entire new front bit not just the crossmember. I don't know which one to trust on this.
The full xmember is about 40 quid... it is the WHOLE frontend..
You can replace it yourself if you are good with an angle grinder.
Hi mate....i work in a Garage but we dont do M.O.T's. what they look for is Holes mostly and they have a small hammer and they tap the rust Around where it looks bad to see if they can make nice big holes...:glare:

It looks fine to me mate but check your Sills because if its as bad there then it might Fail.

On the last pic where abouts is that hole because i cant really tell :)
Dusk said:
The full xmember is about 40 quid... it is the WHOLE frontend..
You can replace it yourself if you are good with an angle grinder.

I really don't have a clue about taking bits off and putting them back again, i will have to get a garage to do it for me :( but i was quoted £500 for the job of replacing the entire front bit

5ilver Micra said:
On the last pic where abouts is that hole because i cant really tell :)

the last pic is the right hand side as you look at the car nose on
Ash said:
I really don't have a clue about taking bits off and putting them back again, i will have to get a garage to do it for me :( but i was quoted £500 for the job of replacing the entire front bit

Yeah its quite a big job....ya hve to Strip down the front of the car Drill All the spot welds Pull the old one off....Sand you new one down Spot weld it all the way around Grind down the Lumpy bits....Paint it then put it back together. Ive done a few at work Hears mine.


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:eek: Where are your goggles....i get told off for not wearing them :grinning:
Its like any job its easy when you know how and if you Have the right Tools.
Very handy working in a garage :p
Lol im glad to hear it :grinning: ....Tell him hes a Nut Boss was grinding with no goggles when he got a bit of metal in his eye...he washed it out with Eye wash thinking it had gone...few days later he had to go to hospital because the metal had gone under the layer of skin on his eye and made a Rust ring around it....he had to be straped down to the bed and they had to get it out with some sort of Pincers :sick:

Im all goggles as well....You may look like a Rum Youth but its better than been blind :D
Ash said:
but i was quoted £500 for the job of replacing the entire front bit

i think they seen you as a mug for that price (no offence though) but i just had my crossmember replaced today and it cost me £25 for the crossmember and £80 for the guy to fit it for me
We've two Micras and both of them had to have work done on the lower crossmember to pass the MOT. The Super S needed three plates welded on to the cost of about £50. The lX was even worse, but as I had a little more time, and the tools, I took it on myself. It was an all day job for me (but I work slow) and entailed taking off the bumper and grille, etc. I expect a good bodyshop guy could do the job in an easy four or five hours, or even replace the whole crossmember in about the same time as patching it (Goldstar says he can do it in around three). I don't know what they get per hour for this kind of work but lets say £25 per (a guess) as a starting point. That works out to around £125 for the labour and to that you add the price of the crossmember, if you decide to do it right. So £500 seems rather excessive to me.

What you need to do is get the car up on jack stands, remove those plastic splash guards and have a good look. From what I can see in your photos you would probably be better off replacing the whole crossmember.

The question is, how long do you plan to keep the car? Is it your baby? (in a manner of speaking) and have you made a lot of mods to it or is it just transportation and a step on your way to, say, an Impreza.

I'd say, ask around, find another garage, get a second, or third, opinion.

Long winded again but hope it helps.

£500 is a basic rip off, I reckon I could do a frontend replacement in 3-4 (not inc removal and refitting of the bumper, lights etc) as long as it is only spot welded on, saw one that someone decided to weld all the seems which would have taken longer.

Like Soixantaine says get several oprions and see if you know anyone who has had welding work etc done at a garagre and try there if they're happy with cost and work.

Good luck
goldstar0011 said:
Where you live?

Im in Kilmarnock in the west coast of scotland

yeah i did think they were trying to rip me off with the 500 quid quote, im gonna shop around see who seems that best price. thanks for the advice muchly needed :grinning: A xx

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