ConvertiBubble has a new Friend!


Rollin' with Diesel and V8 Power
My friend recently passed her driving test, and gave me the honour of car-hunting with her. Naturally, I said 'Micra', and spotted a fairly tidy one up Downton way.
She called me on Saturday to say she had purchased the little tike.

Here she is:

Gold, 1.0 litre Vibe; pretty basic, but it's all she needs!
Surprise surprise there is a problem with the heater-blower, and sills have been welded, but it's tidy enough!

She'll hopefully be joining up here as a new member soon!
Tidy vibe (Y) I love the way the vibe is pretty much the only basic micra to have the wrap around spoiler, its like having an aesthetic mod already!
Yeah exactly! Quite odd almost, isn't it? :grinning:

Don't worry though, I'll get her modding, don't you fret ;)
if it was my mate i would have said 1.3 or die lol. looks tidy for an n-reg. its got the nice small plastic mudflaps opose to the horriable big rubber ones :)
Thanks for all the comments guys - will be getting her on here shortly! (Y)
I told her to go for the 1.0 simply because it'd be that little bit cheaper to insure for an 18 year old. My 1.0 litre did me good for 4 years, so they aren't that bad :)
I loved the Micra Vibe. Nice looks, SR spoiler and typical Nissan reliabilty (all in a tidy wee CG10de engine. Is the colour called Ougon yellow or gold by any chance?(Y)

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