coil pack testing

My '94 k11 is fine luckily, the wife's almera is a bxxxbag. Does anyone know how to isolate the faulty coil pack? The car is intermittently running on 3 enough to turn the engine management light on but not long enough to unplug each pack to see which one is not firing. I put new plugs in already. The almera just got another gearbox after the Last one blew apart and went on fire.. not happy. This is a lively forum so here's hoping someone knows the answer.. I am torn between buying one and resetting the engine light and putting the newbie in cylinder 1 to see if it cures or happens again, then 2 etc.. Or doing all 4 together and hoping that is the end of the problem.. Bloody expensive though. Europarts are £48 and £98, if anyone knows the difference?


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I wonder if you'd see the difference using a timing light? Connect it up to each and look for an irregular flashing pattern? Is any one of the plugs worse than the others when you took them out? Did you note which plug came from where?
I ordered a Hella replacement,, before installing I ran the engine and disconnected 1-4.the engine vibration was noticeably less with 3 off so the new part went in 3. The car is smoother with better acceleration on the motorway. I am quietly hopeful this is the end of the problems... Not least because the wife has rediscovered her love of my Micra!!
I felt that plug 3 looked a bit different but no access to a timing light. The plugs were about perfect
Hi guys new to the forum and dont really know where to post tbings yet but i was wondering if someone could tell me where to find the casting number on my k10 ma12 cylinder head. Thanks in advance Dan
Hi guys new to the forum and dont really know where to post tbings yet but i was wondering if someone could tell me where to find the casting number on my k10 ma12 cylinder head. Thanks in advance Dan
Go to home and the k10 forum is along the top.. Different engine I think.

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