check engine light always on, car doesn't start

Hi there,

About two weeks ago, while I was in an intersection going in 3rd and accelerating, the engine light turned on and lost all power.
After some small tests by roadside as checking fuses, disconnecting the battery and checking ignition sensor position, the car still didn't start and was towed to a local garage.
After checking the error code (which I don't remember if it was PD13 or 21, don't quote me on that), they said it was the ignition coil but they weren't 100% sure on that, still they said it would be €220/£191.
Not satisfied, I towed the car to NIssan dealer which ran a diagnostic and said it was the distributor. I asked what exactly... coil, rotor, module and got the same answer, distributor. They quoted me for €600/£521.
I said no and the car is still there, because I'm looking for a used distributor. Problem is, scrappers around here (Portugal) are all asking for €120/£104, which I think is absurd for a used one.

car is a 03/96 1.0l with 154k/96k (kms/miles)
in 02/2012, the car had the same issue of not starting but w/o engine light, after towing the car to a local garage, they replaced the distributor cap and the rotor. No issues after that.

So, what do you guys advise?
Right now, all I want is put the car running in order to sell it.

will do a search for any scrapyard that opens on Sundays, else, only monday I'll be able to get some prices...
will keep you updated...
hey, I found that the ignition coil of the P11 Primera 1.6 from 96 to 2001 also fits micras distributors.
it seems there's less demand for them compared to micras, so that means lower prices. I found one cheap but the guy is asking how many pins the distributor has...

can anyone confirm how many? I guess it's five?
hey, I found that the ignition coil of the P11 Primera 1.6 from 96 to 2001 also fits micras distributors.
it seems there's less demand for them compared to micras, so that means lower prices. I found one cheap but the guy is asking how many pins the distributor has...

can anyone confirm how many? I guess it's five?
8 pins in total eh, a 6 pin plug and a 2 pin one

couldn't get an answer from that guy and sick of waiting and looking everywhere, so decided to pay the €120/£104 for a second hand distributor.
after installation, the car gave some resistance in starting, keep trying it until it finally started... the spark plugs were probably wet with gas and after that rough start, it now runs fine.

the other distributor was disassembled by a friend and it turns out, there was 3 main components at fault, mainly:
- cap
- coil
- rotor

it seems, that the cap and rotor that were replaced back in 02/2012, were utter crap...

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