cg13 engine question

This is a stab in the dark, but I have a wood-mizer lt-40 sawmill with a cg13 engine on it. Two weeks ago the main wiring harness going from the electronic governor caught fire. I've been looking for wiring schematics for two weeks now and can't find anything. This has derailed our entire business. I just came across this thread and I was hoping someone could send me some pictures of the main connection coming off the electronic governor showing what wires go together. Or if anyone has a wiring schematic. Ive tried the k11 manual and cant seem to find the harness. I'm running out of options.


Hi do you have a workshop manual for the engine if not you could search that in the search bar.
interesting to see you are using for a sawmill would really like to see that if you could upload a pic would be cool.
I'm sure you will find the help you seek here with a couple of searches and if not someone will have an answer to help you get it back up and running.
I do have the manual for the engine its self but that didn't help either.


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That looks like an awesome saw man i'm currently in the process of designing my own drive way gates so that looks really interesting to me.
I will try and see if i have anything stored on k11 in my backups and if so i will try to find some pages that have info on them for you.
may take me a while if they are on the other pc i will go and see and be back in a bit
Try this link here and see if this is something you already have if not it may be of use to you.
As I'm not familiar with the k11 models you may be looking for another.
So please check if it does match up with what you will be working on.

Okay I have downloaded that file and their are diagrams for wiring included.
Hope this helps to get you back up and running soon.

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Okay so I'm looking at electrical-2 page 48. Of 403.
This shows the harness for right hand drive.

I Assume that the engine is set up to run as a stationary engine so part of the circuit would either be unused or no longer present in your circuit.?
And also that the engine was originally from a right hand drive model.


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If you are on a pc or open that file with browser you can probably do find on page via the right hand properties and let in govener to see if there is a specific page for this.
I'm trying but not seeing find on page atm

Just looked that model up on Google and watch a video that is one mighty saw.
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I tried to open it in a couple different apps to search the document but none are working.

The saw is pretty insane. It can cut a 28 inch wide log 21 feet long and fly right through it.
I'm wondering if it uses something like the idle air control valve, it's on the side of the throttle body.
If you give us some photos of the engine underneath the air box we might be able to see how much we recognise...