Car Stereo newbie question, where are my stations?


I am new to car stereos and Nissan Micras and need help!

I have just bought a 1.0 Micra Matinee, and have installed a Panasonic CQ-C1303NW CD player/stereo in it. The cd player works fine, but the only two FM stations I can get are Chiltern and Classic FM!

I have searching the PTY stations and all the options come up with none.

I have tried numerous combinations of TA/AF on/off local on/off regional on/off etc but all I come up with is the previously mentioned stations!!

Any advice would be greatly appreciated


the good ol boy
sounds like your aerial is cr*p get a new one or plug it in. You don't have one of those Do not swear 'beesting' aerials do you?
Where did you get the head unit from? either the aerial isnt in correctly, or its from the USA which wont pick up UK stations
sounds like your aerial is cr*p get a new one or plug it in. You don't have one of those Do not swear 'beesting' aerials do you?

I have got the standard aerial which is ober the drivers door, i looked at it this morning and it does look a bit c&*p.

the aerial is plugged into the head unit using an adapter which i bought from the local car shop, it does seem to fit ok. i guess something is working as the two stations i can pick up are very clear.

what aerial would you recommend?


the good_ol_boy


Yet another question!!

I have just seen the Autoleads PC5-87 Aerial Adapter, this is apparently for micras from 93 to 2000, on the car audio plus website.

do i need this or will the standard ISO adapter which i bought be


sound's like you need all the help you can get so I'd get it, the standard aerial is ok but if your head unit is an import you will need a UK modulator as Arnold said.
I had this problem but solved it by putting the aerial up, my mate had a problem similar to yours and there was a break in the aerial cable.
Standard aerials are more than suitable, so get another one if yours looks dodgey
the head unit is a uk model, i bought it from curry's! the aerial is all the way up, but has a couple of bends in it. i will check that the cable to see if that is ok.

All is now sorted. i straighted the bends in the aerial.

i also checked that the cable was connected to the aerial correctly, i can now receive lots more glorious stereo FM stations.

i may invest in a new aerial just to be on the safe side as the current one does seem a bit dodgey.


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