Afternoon everybody, Rite i spent last nite painting up various engine parts (exhaust manifold, and re painted cam cover etc). I also removed the rev limiter mod as i didnt think i was gaining much from it. Prior to this the car was running fine.
I re-assembled everything this morning and started itup, Firstly it sounded as though it was running on 3 cylinders. But after checking, it was actually running on all 4 just real rough. So ive just took it for a drive. It pulls all the way to the limiter in 1st,2nd and 3rd gear but takes ages to get there, and pulling out of junctions is painfull as there really is no power there
. As soon as i hit 60 mph the car doesnt go any faster. Now the only thing i can think of is its something ive done when removing/replacing the distributor when removing the limiter mod. Anybody have any ideas??? I'll soon be changing to a cg13 engine but wasnt planning on swapping them until next month really. Sorry for the long read but i tried to include as much detail as i could to help paint a picture(Y). Thank you
I re-assembled everything this morning and started itup, Firstly it sounded as though it was running on 3 cylinders. But after checking, it was actually running on all 4 just real rough. So ive just took it for a drive. It pulls all the way to the limiter in 1st,2nd and 3rd gear but takes ages to get there, and pulling out of junctions is painfull as there really is no power there