Car game



Idea taken from one of the other forums im on. Basically:

A figure is posted, this figure is an amount of 'money'. With this 'money', you have to 'buy' a car.

i.e. say the figure is £20k - what is the best car you can buy for £20k? New, Second hand, modded, unmodded whatever. Search the net for a car that you think would be the best then tell us why you think this is the best car. Then amongst ourselves we choose the winner, everyone votes. Then the winner picks the next weeks budget £50 or £50,000? Up to the winner.


The car must actually be for sale, ie. ebay, auto trader, forum. and a link must be provided.
The price will go up and then exactly 48 hoursthe 'buying' stops and then those who have entered choose a winner (they cant vote for their own although they have to sell their choice to everyone else.)

N.B. On the other forums they use 48 hours but they have a massive member base and ours is not as big. If 48 hours is not big enough we could extend the time.

How about £20k for the first figure starting from 9am tomorrow? 7th December?

p.s. if ppl think this a stupid idea just tell me but just thought it would be something to do and seems to be working well on them forums. Thanks to M7 for the idea
Sounds like a really good idea mate, definately something for people like me to do who are bored at work. Maybe even scope for a seperate section within the forum? Then all the links etc can be provided and viewed there.

Definately a good idea tho.
with cars on ebay how can you say wot the price is wen people are still bidding on it?

lets say i find a 911 on bid of 19k then wen i post the link it goes to 21k...?

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