Car Broken in to


Ex. Club Member
What an excellent morning,

Neighbour wakes me up, my car's been broken in to and everything has gone.

computer, screen, amp, sub, 6x9s, everything gone!

Not happy at all!!!
oh god man, i'm sorry to hear it:(
did you have insurance for it or anything?
i say you should set a trap for the ######ers, put another car with ice in it outside your house and sit at your window with a gun:)
sorry to hear about it man,
ouch! sorry to hear that ollie!

I can fully understand how it makes you feel, I once had my micra broken into, smashed a window and lifted the HU.

I know how you feel, and of course no-one ever sees anything.
Look out for your stuff and when you see it find out where that person got it. If they hesitate punch them in the face.
I cant believe it!!! :down:
im so sorry to hear this Olie!!!!!

hope you can understand that people do this kinda thing for so many reasons. E.g, bored, angry, jealous etc but the fundamental aspect of it is that they are loses and damn right imature idiots with nothing going for them in life.
i know this is very small compared to your lose but someone / people stole some green dust caps off my car the other day...of course i wasnt happy...but what made it worse was that they where a present from my g/f as i said to her "i need something else to finish the car off"...only joking about... and she surprised me with these.....i just couldnt believe it....made me annoyed that they got stolen

anyway.......all the best mate.
havent you got some kind of alarm?






And some good old british Engineering!
At least they didn't scratch your paintwork, when my fez was nicked the keyed it and smashed the headlights.

Good fix tho.
sorry to hear this mate, happend to me twice in my other k10's. its usually someone you know, it looks like they knew exactly where everything was judging from the pics :(

gutted for you mate but on the plus side at least the bodywork hasn't been vandalized!
got it checked for prints yet?

might be worth a try as they bound to be some on like the glove box handle and the leads etc

sorry to hear bout this

some people can be such idiots
I'd have to agree its probably someone who's seen your setup. I'l keep an eye on Ebay and some of the southern car forums to see if any new 'car pc's' or parts are on the scene. I know it's a little late, but get your self an alarm mate and maybe security tint.
Aww man thats harsh, even just thinking about it make me angry on your behalf, i can't stand thieves.
Are you covered by your insurance?

I'm definately going for a stealth setup in my car now... Really sorry for you...
mate why did you leve it all in your car, bit of a REMOVED to do......###!!

atleast the insurance will cover it....or have you not declaired it?? ###

You spend ages installing your ICE, getting the setup perfect etc, your hardly gonna rip it all out every night are you?
know just how your feeling mate this has happened to me. had a nova about ten years ago mint it was just got brand new alloys for it, got knicked the same night i put em on
LOL... I'm suprised at how lame some people can be. As a matter of fact, my Ex's car got smashed and the HU was stolen. I've yet to experience this.. and with the Fat subs in my boot and amps, 6x9's and HU... it'll be soon...
Lol! I'll keep that idea in mind.

So like, you didn't even hear them smash the window? Didn't you like.. wake up in the night thinking 'What the fudge was that? ..ah it was nothing...'.

Hm? :s
you dont really hear tempered glass smash. it just shatters. obviously theres a fair bit of noise but i dont think its enough to hear inside your house
Sorry to hear about you ICE, ollie240585 :(
Here, in Romania, thiefs use to smash cars windows with some smashed ceramic of an spark plug. It's almost noiseless!
Also, a lot of people use a protective+tint foil on windows, agains thiefs.
Forensics have been over the car, found NOTHING! surprise, surprise, told them this morning it would be a waste of time!

Another car got hit less than half a mile away from me too last night! They've found a screwdriver in his which is being tested for DNA!

They've taken my locking wheel nut key too, so now i have to figure out how to get 4 locking nuts off!! Was going to spend this weekend finishing the RS turbo, but guess that's gone out the window!!

On a positive note, replaced the glass, cleaned the car out, from the outside it looks like it's never been touched!
Locking wheel nuts - they have taken the key then they will be back for your rims.
To get the old ones off you need a drill, drill a slot shape across the nut then bang a big flat screwdriver in, grab the screwdriver with a pair of grips and bang the grips with a hammer to loosen them off.
Yeah I know, car's being moved for tonight, roughly 25 miles away, hehe.

Will fit new locking nuts tomorrow on a different thread then try and remove the old ones!
Sorry haven't been on for a few days - sorry to hear your loss mate, my previous car was broken into back in March but luckily nothing was taken. They did the screwdriver into the lock trick and it proper ****ed the locks. It's still yet to be fixed completely due to getting round to it, the car's just sitting on the drive.