Can't Sleep!!


Ex. Club Member

I've been at a LAN party all week end and didn't get to sleep untill 5ish this morning - now i'm feeling like poo and just can't nod off!

What tricks do people use to try and fall asleep?

In tha past when i was a kid Warm Milk was the trick but now nothing....
i never usually go to my bed until about 3/4 am, but then again i dont start work until 5pm :grining::grinning: :grinning:
I start work at 9.30 but i'm never usually in bed before 2am :blush:

I know it's no help this time round, but malt drinks like Horlicks are supposed to be quite good at sending you off to the land of nod.

Edit: Well would you look at this lol, they read your mind: TIPS.pdf

By the way, good work on the LAN party, i haven't had one in ages! :(
Normally I use Nytol but that leaves me groggy the next day, I sometimes have a cople of beers or so.

Have you considered those herbal remedies?
I started work at 9:00 today so did ok but feel rough as hell.

Have you considered those herbal remedies?

I think thats whats keeping me up.

In the end I last saw the clock at 3:00 :( :( :(

And no I wasn't late for work.
Looks like u'll be late.

Thinking about it I could of had an extra 30 minutes in bed but my mum though i started at 8:00 so woke me up early grr!
wilsonian said:
Looks like u'll be late.

Thinking about it I could of had an extra 30 minutes in bed but my mum though i started at 8:00 so woke me up early grr!
I wish my mum still woke my up sometimes, that was guaranteed to work, I set 4 alarms today and not one of them got me up!! I'm off now, let's see how I do lol
when i cannot sleep, the first thing i do is lay on the bed and be as comfy as i can. watch tele or just do something but it has to be on the bed, i'll soon feel bored and fall asleep! hehe

burning sleeping oil is good also, they'll make you feel very relaxed and calms you right down and eventually you'll fall asleep.
James said:
I wish my mum still woke my up sometimes, that was guaranteed to work, I set 4 alarms today and not one of them got me up!! I'm off now, let's see how I do lol

What you doing on before work then!! If your gonna be late, why still type here saying "your gonna be late!", surely that'l just make you later!!

If you cant sleep, try watching a film you really wanna watch and you wont be able to stay awake to watch it. Also, night nurse is great for knocking you out a bit,