ok my 3 point calibra seats are back up for sale these are in great condition and are VERY VERY comfortable as ANYONE that has sat in a calibra will no doubtadly agree 
these were intended for the k10 but i got hold of the buckets shortly after i purchased these.
i bought them for £40 so would be looking to hopefully get some kind of money back.
though i am looking to have these shifted so i can get started on other projects and they are simply in the way now.
i do have pics on my computer (which is down at moment) but i shall get them up as soon as possible.
they are dark grey in colour with a lighter grey pattern on the back rest.
any interestes feel free to ask questiions etc
these were intended for the k10 but i got hold of the buckets shortly after i purchased these.
i bought them for £40 so would be looking to hopefully get some kind of money back.
though i am looking to have these shifted so i can get started on other projects and they are simply in the way now.
i do have pics on my computer (which is down at moment) but i shall get them up as soon as possible.
they are dark grey in colour with a lighter grey pattern on the back rest.
any interestes feel free to ask questiions etc