CA18DET First generation gaskets

Hello, I'm wondering if anyone knows where I would be able to locate the intake gaskets for the first generation CA18DET. They are different then the later models of the 1.8, and I haven't found anyone who carries them. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I ended up finding a website and they had detailed part breakdowns of all JDM vehicles, and the different engines they came with. Found the parts I needed on a 1986 Silvia/Gazelle with a CA18DT and have sent a parts request. They claimed to have 5 of each but will confirm when they now for sure. The company is located in japan so it will be interesting to see what shipping will be. Hopefully this is helpful for anyone looking to transplant a first gen CA18DET into their K10 or in my case Nissan Pao.
Thanks again for all your guys help :p