BUMP! (no pun intended)


'Kind of hoping this hasn't been forgotten about...

let's do what we can to keep ourselves and our much loved K1x's rolling ...and enjoying the better side of Newtons-3 rather than the bad.

Remember, It doesn't mater where you are un the UK, there's a local group neer you...

...and it's cheap as CHIPS!!!

Nice one chaps
Other than an increase in awareness, what other benefits does one get from such a course - reduced insurance premium?

What level are you at?


Yes there are some in surers who offer a decent discount for members and some for those with a test pass (Bronze Silver or Gold depending on how you do in the test)

But to be honest, In my experience it's the more expensive insurance companies that offer these discounts...the cheeper insurers tend not to offer the discount...so its 6 & two threes here ( unless things have changed with insurers lately)


I guess it depends what YOU (anyone) as an individual considers to be a 'BENEFIT' (material, financial, mental, functional etc)

heres a short list of diverse benefits.

-> Reduce the risk of having a minor bump and / or becoming involved in a -major accident ( THIS IS OFCOURSE THE MAIN BENEFIT )
-> it costs SOD_ALL when you look at what you get in return ( thats mainly becauseall of the tutors and group committe etc are unpaid volunteers )
-> Theres no pressure to take a test...the tutoring alone combined with a bit of practice results in a HUGE improvementto the individuals driving abillity
-> Incur lower running costs: your fuel, clutch, brakes & tyres etc last longer
-> Make safer & quicker progress through traffic.
-> Develop more confidence on the road and in everyday life too.
-> Positively influence other road users by demonstrating your advanced driving skills
-> Enjoy your driving even more than before!
-> No more dangerous 'autopiloting around' <'how did I arrrive hear...I can't remember the journey'>


I have not (yet) taken a test (neither on motorcycle or car)....I am loving the practice on both, and seeing things from a completely new angle while out on the road.
i've got one of those groups quite close to me so i'm gonna give the bloke a call.

A few things that i'd like to get clarified tho'...

1. Incur lower running costs: your fuel, clutch, brakes & tyres etc last longer
This would be interesting to find out

2. Make safer & quicker progress through traffic.
Am i missing something here as Speed cameras, Road humps, Improperly timed Traffic signals, Jaywalkers and Generally people with squat all confidence tend to make me do the opposite?

3. Develop more confidence on the road and in everyday life too.
I have lots of confidence on the Road...everyday life is different to driving a Car

4. Positively influence other road users by demonstrating your advanced driving skills
What like being in the correct lane, using Indicators at the right time and generally giving them more space than a Juggernaut?

5. Enjoy your driving even more than before!
I doubt that very much, i spend too much time trying to survive

6. No more dangerous 'autopiloting around' and 'how did I arrive here.. can't remember the journey'
That goes for about 10 million or more Drivers.....

Sorry if some of that sounds negative but i've now been driving for 15 years and to be really honest, i've been pulled so many times just because i've been going a little faster than the norm or making good progress.

But you never know i might pass an Advanced test then get killed by someone whos just passed their Driving test....happens.
Im really happy youve shown an interest and have questioned some of the pinciples....You allredy have an advantage with this mindset

I'll leave most of the banter (I hope She/He keeps it simple over the phone) to your local rep...

But in advance, I would reply (generally) <since this is a hugely detailed subject>

->1. Incur lower running costs: your fuel, clutch, brakes & tyres etc last longer
This would be interesting to find out

*>This is about HOW & WHEN the controls in the car are used/operated...the carb has a mechanical pump that enriches the mixture (and ECU cars have algorithms that mimic this) for progression....each time the throttle is stabbed you squirt a few CC's (mills) of fuel...learning the most appropriate time to do this will save...this also ties in with breaking...more stabs on the breaks means more stabs on the throttle to compensate average speed...as well as un-necessary wear on your pads and shoes…...brake ware & fuel too.
Quite often with advanced observations...you will be able to just easeoff the throttlemuch earlier rather than having to pop the brekes at the last moment.

Clutch is burned away when the engine speed is not matched smoothly with the driving-gear during a gear change…Here you get clutch slip (like when you are moving away from stationary)…that scrubs down your clutch material.

Tyres comes down to 3 things …acceleration sense breaking sense and cornering sence (or doing the odd burn out …LOLZ)

Apply the optimum operation of controls (routinely) according the circumstances at the time and you will reap the benefits in maintenance savings

->2. Make safer & quicker progress through traffic.
Am i missing something here as Speed cameras, Road humps, Improperly timed Traffic signals, Jaywalkers and Generally people with squat all confidence tend to make me do the opposite?

*>Speed cameras:
You will never have to speed again to make good time.
Speed limits (although a contentious subject +++me included+++) are there for the SAFETY of all road users

Road humps: the devils work I agree butthis generally means 20mph so its tough tities...yes thay suck but its the local councils short sighted answer to a problem that is further than thay can see (knob shiners)..oh and thanks for the spinal aggrevation too for the majoritty drivers <to the local councils>

On average (in a built up areas/town /urban/suburban) journey time is most damaged at JUNCTIONS & HAZARDS ..(not the open straights)…you will learn how to use your own OSERVATIONS in order to make the subtle adjustments on the controls IN GOOD TIME in order to reap the best CONTIUOUS FLOW (quicker average journey time) through these

->3. Develop more confidence on the road and in everyday life too.
I have lots of confidence on the Road...everyday life is different to driving a Car

*>OK this is philosophical…..

Martial arts (particularly the Japanese verity ) named their styles with the suffix “do” <pronounced ‘dough’> so they in corporate the ‘principles of their learning into life itself…..this is a somewhat obscure analogy but I will conclude with….

Is confidence Blinkered -Dutch courage/complacency/testosterone
Or demonstration of skill (mental & physical) by examination of new skills aquired…. comparable to police driving (traffic police not panda police)

->4. Positively influence other road users by demonstrating your advanced driving skills
What like being in the correct lane, using Indicators at the right time and generally giving them more space than a Juggernaut?

*>Well, Juggernaut might be a bit over the top in some circumstances…but not in other circumstances…it depends on the situation at the time (driving / riding tutors will help with this)…. but the stuff you mentioned about indicators is good (including NOT USING THEM AT ALL if you have evaluated the situation properly and there really is nobody to benefit from your signal......basicly it makes you look more thoroughly for people who will benefit...this includes pedestrians motorcyclists and parked vehicles, horseriders...the list goes on) Lane discipline decisions come from good observations too

->5. Enjoy your driving even more than before!
I doubt that very much, i spend too much time trying to survive

*>Yeah that’s exactly what I thought too…..to begin with
You will be confident that you are in control to survive with practice survival will develop into proficiency…you can only appreciate the enjoyment after the penny has dropped

->6. No more dangerous 'auto piloting’ around and 'how did I arrive here.. can't remember the journey'
That goes for about 10 million or more Drivers.....

*>Yes…and it’s up to YOU (US) to avoid these chaps

Autopilot (dare I say it) CAN work provide that nothing unexpected happens…When it does....then reaction time is blown out the window and adrenalin can go through the roof (screwing up the decision making process in the meantime) EEKK!!<crunch>....no more micra if things go welll....worse if things go bad

->Sorry if some of that sounds negative but I’ve now been driving for 15 years and to be really honest, i've been pulled so many times just because i've been going a little faster than the norm or making good progress.

*>“I’ve been doing it for years” is one of life’s’ biggest cop-outs[time to wake up and smell the bacon]…and is the reasons we keep doing it (coz we got away with it last time)….but until its too late < that time you thought you would never be involved in>

->But you never know i might pass an Advanced test then get killed by someone who’s just passed their Driving test....happens.

OK granted….But with your new skill set (including of course OBSERVARIONS you will be in a hugely improved position to avoid such a catastrophe….(unless you were daydreaming at the time)

Beeming that you showed an interest!!!
Nice one m8, that's opened my eyes to quite a number of things there, thanks very much :)

In the last couple of weeks i've been resigning myself to the fact that driving at breakneck speed just gets you distained looks from the majority. I basically get my entertainment free when out and about. I'd like to have a laugh but also get the best out of a situation, timing, almost non-presence when it's busy but some people see me and they're the ones that aren't driving so i tend to lose a bit of concentration after meeting some stress-head on the road. So that would be good to sort out. :)

Also over the years,i seem to have honed my skill somewhat on reading the road ahead , obviously i've made a few errors of judgement but have been blessed i think! :laugh:...but when driving round and seeing everything pan out like a giant TV screen....er..sorry, going off on a tangent..:wasntme: .. but you know what i mean, lol, Some drivers can't see the big picture at all because they're thinking 'what's for tea' instead of just paying attention to the road whereby i then take advantage and cheese them off.

I also noted you said something about not using Indicators?

Now there's a slight problem, i've conditioned myself to use the Indicators, not all the time but alot of time. How long do you think it would take to 'ween' myself off? It's saved me on quite a number of occasions...

Annnnyway....I've got a couple of busy weeks coming up with no driving...bah..... but as soon as i can get Driving again i'll ring matey up and organise a trip to the Beach :laugh: .

cheers for the headsup (Y)