Ex. Club Member
Ok thought i'd do a fresh thread for this. basicaly the pics speak for them selves its a black k10 super s. spoke to the bloke and its not worth repairing so i will be stripping it and whats left will go to the scrappy. so call dibs on any parts you want and i will try my best to get what i can. i'm not gonna do a price list as i dont have the parts could do a rough price on major parts such as bodykit. so just call dibs and i'll do ya a price IF and when i get the part. quite a unique front bumper and good condition body kit, interior minus the steering wheel is all going to me unless someone offers me a very good price lol.
Due to the size of the kit i want to shift it quite quickly so i will take the best offer on the kit but all other parts will be first come first serve
to add i would rather not break the kit, so people who want the kit as a whole will get priority.
Due to the size of the kit i want to shift it quite quickly so i will take the best offer on the kit but all other parts will be first come first serve
to add i would rather not break the kit, so people who want the kit as a whole will get priority.