Bootlid with super s spoiler aj4 red 96 k11 swap


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Club Member
Basically returning my car to standard, anyone in the SE have a red car without a spoiler that they would swap their boot (and a few quid ;) ) for my super s one.
It is a no hassle job, I would even do ti for you if you're scared.
Speed is of the essence though, so don't delay with leaving your interest.
I am in either Watford of Southampton.
i have a bog standard hatch on the 1.6 but i can't drive it at the mo :(

but i'm up for a swap if you can get here? how much extra would you be looking for?

also i only need it for the spoiler mounts so you could keep the spoiler and sell it on...
It doesn't actually have any mounts on the side as i had to fibreglass it on.
Will be down your way when I swap my currentcar for the super s
Craig said:
It doesn't actually have any mounts on the side as i had to fibreglass it on.
Will be down your way when I swap my currentcar for the super s

ah so does that mean its all smoothed in? are the holes at the top for the bolts propper holes or did you have to drill them?

you should drop by anyway even if you don't want the rear hatch :D mini meet ;)

you can see the 1.6 beast and the micra trailer and the 1.3 beast ;)
Yeah should be able to do that, depends when I have to get the trailer back :)
The holes are driled as it is a Spoiler on a 'L' boot.
Craig said:
You still want this Nex?

not at the mo, soz. i have to sort out my 1.3 first but if you can hang on till then and you can get the hatch to me then yep :)
Craig said:
I will have it for quite a while I think lol

k mate well if you still have it when i've sorted everything out i'll let you know :)

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