Bonnet Felt

CMF_White Knight

» CMF Member
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Got it under both cars. Hack has one that is reflective and Whitey has one non reflective. Its self stick.
Does help.I think it looks neat and weighs stuff all.
Only pain is you have to cut templates and then cut the stuff to fit in the recessed bits uder the hood. See if I can find the web site where I got it from.
Sticks well and had no problems with it.
I feel if you really want to cut road noise you would need to sound deaden the firewall from the inside ( remove dash), the doors and the boot.
I have other stuff on the boot floor. Its a felt with bitumen like stuff in the middle.

CMF_White Knight

» CMF Member
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One lot through Repco other lot I bought direct.
There are quite a few on the market.Any auto shop will be able to source it for you. I know Auto One down here carry some in stock. Not sure from this company but I am sure they are all much alike.
You can have a look under Whitey/Hack when we hit Perth mid June.


» CMF Member
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Cool. Good thread.

I'm keen to do something like you have White Knight.

Also want to install some decent sound deadening stuff bitumen matt etc in the rear of the cars and perhaps the doors aswell. Not worried about up to say 10kg or so extra weight - have saved enough weight from removing all the back seats and other various mods etc.

Nothing like a nice smooth, quiet car. Blue monster still has a way to go before its perfect in that department.

CMF_White Knight

» CMF Member
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Here is pic of Whiteys insulation. Self adhesive , very light and I think looks okay.


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» CMF Member
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You should be able to order the standard underbonnet thingo from your local Nissan dealer.

There was a picture of it on the old forums... Wish I could find it again.


» CMF Member
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VERY nice!!!

Went to the Auto shop today and the guy at the counter did the 'cross the arms, look around and hiss' thing and said "We dont do that." But pointed me towards Clark Rubber (WA only i think) to buy it by the metre! HORRAY! Off to Clark Rubber tomorrow to get some prices.

Id imagine offical nissan felt kit would be pricey Yom? I think Whiteys template idea sounds pretty clever. Some big chunks of newspaper and a texta or marker pen and a couple metres of felt would be the best way. Could even save the templates and send em round via mail (or even printable pdf...) to everyone that wants to do this simple mod!


CMF_White Knight

» CMF Member
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Yeah need like A3 plain paper and masking tape.Stick to bonnet and trace outline.Cut out, double check it is a neat fit then trace outline onto material. A bit of a fiddle but end result okay.
Just make sure stuff you buy is auto grade and can handle a bit of heat and adhesive will not let go.
Mine been on for yonks and still sticking like the proverbial.
Funny with auto shops. Repco one here in Burnie cannot do enough nor can Auto One. Auto Barn will never go near them here as they are hopeless.Repco will chase anything for me.
Depends on the owner/staff to a big degree.



» CMF Member
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Did S2 micras come with this under felt stuff or anything?

I.e. Yom when you say "the standard felt thing", which cars did it come out on??


» CMF Member
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Brilliant find. Thanks a lot white knight.

I see they have a Canberra Showroom and sales office.

I'm definately going to visit them and buy a big section of the first one, the sound deadening matt, then also a big piece of the under bonnet stuff and stick that onto bluey.

Just great that I can drive down to Dickson and buy it in person. Yeah should have a yarn to them one time about doing some moulded carpets up.. I'll ask them what's involved when I go down there.



» CMF Member
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No I don't think nissan added the underbonnet felt things to the micras.

I saw a picture of one for the micra posted on these forums aaages ago.

I believe it was made in taiwan, but there was a very obvious part number on it.

Infact I wonder if FAST has it listed...

CMF_White Knight

» CMF Member
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No Micra sold in Aussie came with any under bonnet sound insulation.
The inside carpet is not of good quality either and wears pretty quick.Be good if some moulded after market ones were available . Even Hack which has had very little traffic inside looks rather sad.


» CMF Member
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Sorry about hte pictures (bit hard to take a decent picture at night).

Sexah carpet (excuse the mess on the carpet as well, need to vacuum it :p)


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» CMF Member
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And another.

It does wear quite quickly. Bit of a shame. I might get around to a protective covering one day. Probably plastic. Bit tacky but be worth it I think.

New carpets from nissan arent cheap, $380 i was quoted for the pulsar.

Knox auto carpets made a moulded kit for the Pulsar as well, but you had to cut all the holes yourself. And the carpet quality wasnt fantastic either. Standard nissan stuff was actually harder wearing, IMO.


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» CMF Member
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Hmm yeah for sure..

Yeah Blue Monster's carpet a tad ratty thesedays also.

I would also like to rip it all up and get a decent moulded one slammed in there.

Yom, that honestly looks the same as my S1 carpet. Mine probably in rattier condition though.


» CMF Member
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It could be cisco. Alex counted 42 different types of carpet to fit the K11 in the FAST program. Its not uncommon for them to have a supplier change in the middle of a model, and a supplier change and mean the carpet is slightly different, etc.

Nissan japan do it all the time.


» CMF Member
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Uhh yeah that makes sense. Fair enough good call.

Yeah I'd love to get some aftermarket replacement stuff.

Keen to go and see a trim place actually, because I also want to get the ugly sun visors coated in nice plush velour. They are just cheap vinyl, even on the Super S.

Going over the whole interior to add any nice trim where its needed and sound deadener to really polish the finished product up and have a real nice refined ride inside the car.

Think I will keep the original Super S door trims and seat trim just to stick with the original theme of the car, although it would be tempting to re-do it all in nice plush grey velour or something.


» CMF Member
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Its funny you mention that thing about hte visors cisco. Even in some luxury cars they remain vynil.

I'd like to get my roof trim cleaned up. Its a bit darker over the drivers side than the passenger side and it ticks me off. I know its such a silly little thing to get ticked off about but the super s roof is a huge feature of the car with the sunroof!!!

I'm scared of cleaning it as it could make the cardboard sag prematurely!!! :(


» CMF Member
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Oh and visors with the little pull out extender parts would be swell. I hate opening my visor thingo and it not being able to cover the whole doorspace.

Just realised I have an airbag warning sticker on my visor. :( Oh well I guess they'll be staying vynil!!


» CMF Member
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Hey Yom,

Once I scrubbed the roof of one of the old micras with this Kitten brand interior cleaner, comes with a little brush scrubbing thing on the lid..

It had discoloured from a previous owner being a smoker etc.

Absolutely got all traces of the staining off and did not soak through and make the cardboard roof trim sag because it was only a foam which was the beauty of it. Highly recommended.. Big red lid, where the lid is also the scrubbing brush thing.

It should work wonders, did for me. Also used it on the seats and stuff etc. Very happy as it removed all traces of the car smelling like smoke which was actually really bad when I first bought it.

This thread is making me itching to go and get all this sound deadening and interior trim stuff sorted out. Makes the car such an overall nicer experience I reckon having this kind of stuff sorted and as little road noise as possible. Worst thing in Blue Monster now would be the road noise. I still have some holes to block up (from removing seats and buckles etc) and mostly the rear end just letting more general tyre/road noise through in the absence of the seat. Not many rattles around thesedays which is good.


» CMF Member
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OH SWEET cisco!!! My interior roofing is all red dust looking from the previous owner driving around country roads with the windows down ...the idiot. Ill get some tomorrow morning and say good bye to this PEST of a problem.

Funny tho, even the car detailing place i went to said "Nah you can clean that. Very well." PFFT! :)

Another thing you could maybe try is sound proofing the wheel arches. Theyre big hunks of plastic that could probably hold a kilo of sound deadening stuff... That way you'd remove alot of tyre/road noise.


» CMF Member
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Good photos Tony.

Yes great idea Toma. I reckon the wheel arches would be a good candidate as well. Hmm. Got me thinking now..

As I've said before, I'd be prepared to add up to say 10Kg maximum of decent deadening stuff right around the vehicle. Because 10Kg evenly spread around is nothing basically when you've already saved heaps of weight from removing and replacing things.


» CMF Member
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BTW that one in photo number 2 is stock nissan stuff.

we have it over here in the UK, not that often but i've seen it on two cars in the scrappy, now on my cars ;)

CMF_White Knight

» CMF Member
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Be interested in some wheel arch stuff as this is where a lot of road noise comes from.
You can buy that black bitumen rubber paint called Gripset and paint on. They claim it has sound deadening properties.
It remains elastic and mainly used to fix holes in guttering,water tanks etc.


» CMF Member
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Ok, im getting a huge roll of bonnet felt today for $50. Genuine Holden part aswell! Quirky. Ive been told its not in any template so thats good news. Just 1 huge peice of felt.

Anyway, If ive got spare, would it help to stick some on the firewall/back of the engine bay? or would that just be silly?


» CMF Member
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FYi you can get an origanl Nissan Bonnent Sheild thingo for $210AUS, EX UK though,

id get one if it was less than $100AUS, save me the hassel of cutting out crap and sticking it on. the nissan one just clips on i think, both of dads micras have had them,



» CMF Member
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Hmm cool. Quite expensive isn't it.

Does it reduce engine noise by much Alex?

I think I'll make my own for that cost.


» CMF Member
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Done! Took about 20mins to cut. I decided to just do with 2 big slabs rather than fill each little space. Im gonna tidy it up a little today with a good razor and then thats it!

The results are awesome. MUCH quieter down the freeway. I could even hear myself whisper while doing 110km/h :D

Its actually a foam mat with a heat+fire resistant side. As the roll instructions say, its engineered by Holdens acoustics team and even has the Holden badge on the instructions sheet :D


» CMF Member
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Cool. Glad it worked out.

I might get some of the tru-fit stuff sometime and do something similar.

Anything to reduce noise is worth doing!