What are the signs of a blown headgasket ??
-Mayo on oil cap
-Bubbles in expansion tank
-Loss of coolant
-Blown cooling hoses
-Loss of coolant in radiator, but high level of coolant in expansion tank
-Coolant blown out of expansion tank overflow
I'm pretty certain my headgasket is blown.
I've been soldiering on for months with various cooling problems at times, but it seemed to have stabilised, with radiator losing top 2 inches of water, but engine not overheating, so I could still drive car on long journey.
I think I blew the engine last Nov/Dec, car was occasionally misfiring, suspected condenser had gone, didn't change it as was too cold, but still made a few long journeys.
In Jan car overheated, top radiator hose had blown, changed the top radiator hose.
Car then oveheated again, changed radiator cap, didn't solve problem.
Tried using Kalimex K-Seal coolant system sealer, which helped a lot over last 3 months to stabilise coolant loss, but didn't stop it.
Changed points & condenser which got rid of the original misfire & loss of coolant reduced & became stable so I could drive car on long journeys without car overheating.
In between, the small radiator/engine coolant bypass hose blew, changed it.
Then recently the hose just under the carburettor blew, changed it.
All the time over last 4 months, at the end of a journey I would hear bubbles in the expansion tank bubbling away for 1-2 minutes.
But when the engine runs I don't notice any misfire.
Surely if the headgasket is blown the engine wouldn't run properly, would it ??
What do people think, is it a blown headgasket ??
Are there any other things I should check ??
-Mayo on oil cap
-Bubbles in expansion tank
-Loss of coolant
-Blown cooling hoses
-Loss of coolant in radiator, but high level of coolant in expansion tank
-Coolant blown out of expansion tank overflow
I'm pretty certain my headgasket is blown.
I've been soldiering on for months with various cooling problems at times, but it seemed to have stabilised, with radiator losing top 2 inches of water, but engine not overheating, so I could still drive car on long journey.
I think I blew the engine last Nov/Dec, car was occasionally misfiring, suspected condenser had gone, didn't change it as was too cold, but still made a few long journeys.
In Jan car overheated, top radiator hose had blown, changed the top radiator hose.
Car then oveheated again, changed radiator cap, didn't solve problem.
Tried using Kalimex K-Seal coolant system sealer, which helped a lot over last 3 months to stabilise coolant loss, but didn't stop it.
Changed points & condenser which got rid of the original misfire & loss of coolant reduced & became stable so I could drive car on long journeys without car overheating.
In between, the small radiator/engine coolant bypass hose blew, changed it.
Then recently the hose just under the carburettor blew, changed it.
All the time over last 4 months, at the end of a journey I would hear bubbles in the expansion tank bubbling away for 1-2 minutes.
But when the engine runs I don't notice any misfire.
Surely if the headgasket is blown the engine wouldn't run properly, would it ??
What do people think, is it a blown headgasket ??
Are there any other things I should check ??