Black Grills on a 2002 facelift

Hi there,

Ive got a 2002 Facelift with the ugly chrome grill inserts and want to paint them black. Ive seen a pic on RetroRides of someone that did it, but i dont know how! Do you just paint them or sand them first?
that's me:p

I lightly sanded them to key the chrome, then simply sprayed them black. The black started to chip off after a few months, primer and lacquer would help though.
It may cost a bit more but I bought a set of black grill pieces for about £25, just pop the chrome ones out and clip in the new ones :)

It may cost a bit more but I bought a set of black grill pieces for about £25, just pop the chrome ones out and clip in the new ones :)


Where did you get them from?? They look really good!

hammerite spray's really good (Y)

smooth black hammerite spray ftw(Y)

Do you need to do any pre spray work? eg sanding etc?

Can you take em off the car to spray them??

Yeah they just unplug inside the bonnet :)
I done the same, bought a set of genuine nisan black grills from ebay for about £25, just a case of swapping them no worrying about paint peel
Isn't 20-25 pounds way too much for a set of these, mate?
Better get some of the scrappy for near nothing, 5 pounds for a good spray and DIY, not a big job :)

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