no and yes.
ok you cant use the same hnges as the hinges fold back on themselves/ so in theory would pull your bonnet into your scuttle panel.
easiest and simplest. chepest way to do it is to get your self dsown to a scrap yard.. walk up to most cars and simply stand there and open each and every bonnnet. looking at how it opens and just think as to ow this would work on yours.
were the mountings are a and can this be done to yours.
go look majorly and cars that have an arced bonnet be the window. (curves from corner to corner) you ask why.
the bonnets that curve need to be pushed away from the body work because if they were just pivoted. the 2 corners that are closer to the indow than the cntre would dig into the shell. obviously this isnt possible.. so they simple have already been made to also push the bonnet away from the shell and round. most vans are like this also.
OR you coiuld do an even better idea. AND the idea i was gonna go for and do if i never flipped it sideways..
flip the WHOLE front end forward
wings etc. like the mini
2 quick release hinges down at the front/
easy peasy just flip thew whole front end of AND easily removed to work on aswell.
the only reason i was gonna do this is cos i was gonna put lambo doors on aswell. just for pure
but decided against it for lots of reasons. hahahah
decided instead the way i have doe it will solve alot of issues
as for shocks and springs again
yes you can. simply undo the bolts at the top on the front. at the top/.engine bay. release the pressure. then undo the 2x 12" bolts either side. undo the 2 x 17" screw at the bottom behnd the wheel hub.
thats the front done/
back simply jack car up ndo top mounted/.boot nut. (note may need mole grips on the very top to stop it turning.. then simply pull the axle down and the spring should pop out