Back Box


I know there are lots of threads about these but i couldnt find any as specific as what i am after...

I am after a bolt-on direct replacement back box (like a sportex), but one that is not too loud (just makes a bit of a nicer deep noise), but uses close to no more petrol. I know a few of these back boxes claim to give more BHP but guess that means more fuel used. I only have a 1.0 and really am not interested in performance.

So basically: cheap, direct bolt-on fit, not to loud, no performance boost, no loss in fuel.

is this a bit ambitious? :grinning:
You won't hardly notice a loss in fuel. An induction kit makes a more noticeable difference to fuel economy. I'd rule out the janspeed back box co it's stupidly expensive and loud. The Ashley sport boxes are noisy and high pitch. Sportex seem to be the deepest. I've got a 4" witch is pretty darn deep. Burbles nicely and you only notice it under load. Past 3k rpm it sounds standard. pops when you let of the throttle too. The 3" sportex is bout the same and cheaper. Have a look around the web cos there's a few out there like the sniper ones on ebay which i don't know much about. Youtube and google should help too.

Hope this helps a bit
Cheers for that, so does the size of the pipe determine the noise. e.g. 4'' deeper than a 3'?

Im thinking the sportex 3''. I already got an induction kit and didnt notice much mpg loss at all so im sure I can cope with a backbox.
I think the 4" is slightly deeper. I only got the 4" cos it was going cheap second hand, otherwise i'd have gotten the 3. But good luck with it mate
Your a lifesave, cheers again. I will probably buy the backbox begining of nect month as still have alloys, springs, quick shift ect to put on. If I have any problems hope you dont mind me asking you.
but a whole system excluding front cat and mani is only £140! mine makes a lovely sound! :D
(peter lloyd system)
well providing that is the same item i ordered as the link has changed?!
it was everything after the first cat. downpipe/mid section/back section and backbox.
Ah okay well for only 30 quid more I surely may as well get all that?
In regards to my first question, is there a noticeable loss in mpg or a gain in bhp?
Also, from your point of view how loud are they.
Great. Last question Shaun, you said in your blog you needed gaskets and bolts for it.
Where did you get them from and what sizes?
Thanks :D
Backboxes don't make any difference to fuel consumtion - its when you have a nice noise when you accelerate, you just end up accelerating a lot lol
Great. Last question Shaun, you said in your blog you needed gaskets and bolts for it.
Where did you get them from and what sizes?
Thanks :D
i think i only needed gaskets for the manifold, when i changed it. otherwise it was U clamps from halfords.
not mine but for your ears:
shaun lighten your fly wheel(or you done it already?) then give us a vid:grinning: wondering it'll be more responsive but the same noise?
yeah you did reg. look at the youtube name... aelknarf mean anything to you? :p

aye :wasntme: thats from when i cut a 4" hole through the baulkhead and mounted some drainpipe fittings from under the glovebox to the cold air intake

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