
Im official, but mine got deleted on the criss over and now I cant get it back :(

Plus now I dont have access to the smilies when i post - does anyone?
SR_Micra_Boy said:
Im official, but mine got deleted on the criss over and now I cant get it back :(

Plus now I dont have access to the smilies when i post - does anyone?

Yep i can access smilies

Lost my avatar too but simply made a new one. Panic over
I have no time for people who always expect stuff for nothing.

Seems the Internet has bred a generation who:

1. Can’t accept that in life some may have more authority than they do (forum admin for example) Not just this site but every site I’ve ever read since internet became available to the masses)

2 Expect everything for nothing, (the internet started allot like this due to get people on board but is not sustainable for ever.)

3 Have no fear (keyboard warriors) because they mistakenly think that they are invisible, and can never be found leading onto the last one:

4. Forget that real life values and laws still apply to their IP addresses.

my point is. All these functions are standard with the forum. Ok the arcade. if you want to go in arcade you pay. fair enough. But to have a avatar or pm's and youve got to pay is a bit out of order. Yes it costs about $69 a year for VBulletin but you will make that with the official members. Its just my point on things. I run cruisewigan.com forums and we dont charge people to access features on the site. We have a donate button on the main page but people can donate as much and as little as then want. Also end of the day not everyone can spare £20 or £30. I know its not alot but ive got better things to put my money to use on. This is a good forum but its put down due to cant access basic functions.
this has been through many times before. i dont agree with it but i understand why. its becuase its a CLUB with a forum not just a general forum on its own like cruise wigan. this is why you have to pay to use certain features. at the end of the day theres nothing you can do about it (believe me lots have tried) so you can either put up with it or do without. i choose to put up with it until i become a member.
No it’s not out of order. Not at all. The committee and club chairman sets the clubs privileges it makes no difference what so ever what come standard with the forum, or what you use.
As I said just because you see it elsewhere don’t expect it here. This is what really bugs me. “Oh I can get it there why can’t I have it here”. People abuse the system, and over the years its been decided what will be offered to true club members and just passing people who are not likely to stick about. Those that do not support the club, or to be quite honest in my eyes they are not welcome here. Its not as if its even expensive to join (£10 for basic membership). We don’t have a donate as its not predictable or fair. Why should someone donate £30+ and someone £1 and both get the same? Quite simply I don’t think they should.

Finally if you want to use all the functions and benefits of the club join. If not don’t moan about it, because unless there is a significant majority feeling from official members it will never change.
Things like this are not gunna change so why make a big fuss over it. At the end of the day its the members who decided these things and in my opinion for good reason. If you aint happy with it then either go, put up with or get a full membership!!! Easy as. It really is more than worth the yearly fee, if you want to get something back out of it. So either join up or just stop moaning about silly little things like a tiny picture on the forums ffs.
Ed said:
Those that do not support the club, or to be quite honest in my eyes they are not welcome here.

i support the club. But i still cant see why you are making us pay to access basic things.

thats my 2p worth. ive never EVER come across a forum where you have to pay to access features. OR smilies! WTF!!!!

:( :( :( <---- good job i know what vb is like :p
Things like this are not gunna change so why make a big fuss over it. At the end of the day its the members who decided these things and in my opinion for good reason. If you aint happy with it then either go, put up with or get a full membership!!! Easy as. It really is more than worth the yearly fee, if you want to get something back out of it. So either join up or just stop moaning about silly little things like a tiny picture on the forums ffs. <--- maybe they wont change but cant i voice my opinion? or am i gonna be banned or told to leave the site cause i disagree with the system?
i'm dissapointed with the way the forum is at the moment, I think communication between the members is important, and to remove this is not a good move,

I want to become a member and am going to pay in the next few weeks, I have used this forum for a long time and want to access the extra benefits, especially the member meets (every 2 months!!!) and the newsletter!!!

but removing the basic features is not a good thing. Its extra features which should be paid for, not basic ones,


p.s can the membership be paid for by paypal???
Yes it can. And the main reason that PMs have gone for non members is that they were abused to much. Simple solution stop them. So we did, and its been great ever since.

i think saying none members arnt welcome isn't realy a good attitude to have, how do you expect people to join the club when theres an air of unwelcoming towards new people, if there wasnt this anti none member attitude i no i'd have made more of an effort to join, but at the moment im in two minds, because the club seems to be 'give us your money now and you can use the forums, if you dont pay up then we'l just act quite childish by sayin, you dont pay so you dont say, or none payers arnt welcome here'

how exactly do people get a feel for the forums if none members arnt welcome? and do you realy want them to get a feel of the forums when theres people openly saying statements like what i've writen above? i imagine alot of the people that come to the site, register, post and are never seen again, are not seen again because they read around and realise theres a big member powertrip going on and they are not welcome untill they open there wallet, this quite francly pathetic attitude trying to force people to pay is driving people away from the site, and it needs to stop, even if a none contributor as myself says so, the new attitude should be, new members are welcome, and if you join up then you'l have these benefits, if you dont, then you wont have them, it is after all the individuals choice, and i resent the fact none members are constantly pestered and pressured into joining, when this stops, im sure i and many other will become official
New members are always welcome! If it wasnt for members, this club wouldnt survive, so why would the MSC want to drive away new people that havent paid!? I think (might be wrong) what Ed is saying, is that if you want to voice your opinion on how the club is run, or what you can access, then you need to be an official member to do so. We already discuss what members and non members should get, but why should a non member come on and start saying how crap it is you cant access basic things such as avatars! They have no right to do so, they have no part of the msc in a official capacity, where as there views could be taken into account if they were registered - just like all other paid up members have the right to express there opinion, possible changes / improvements etc!

Now the reason alot of people come here, post 5 times and vanish is they dont want to sign up. They come here for the advice they need then go! Nothing wrong with that, its nice to help people out, but if they want further information on body mods or tuning mods then im sure they'd stick around to find out! I only came on here to find a query on part of the car, then realised what potential they had. Since then i've paid up, received more helpful advice and info than i could ever imagine receiving, and most of all, made some awesome mates and had an awesome time at the national meets, Santa Pod etc. The club meets were worth the registration fee alone, the extra forum members benefits & features are just an extra.
I think this system basically stops people from being just members for years and years and 'sapping' the resources from the msc aswell, doing this allows them to contribute in a monitory value, and also in knowledge aswell, i thought the minimum posts per day/week/month is a good idea also.
I do see some of your points Ricardo and can understand where your coming from. I'm open minded to how this club should be run and will make changes if requested from Official members on a majority and more importantly if I feel they will benefit this club's future. I haven't been running this club with Ed for over 6 years and not have a good understanding on how to make it grow.

However I have no time for people who have no intention of the joining the club, of which there is many (I'm not saying that's you btw) but feel it nessecary to continue to winge and moan about this and that and what they do and what they don't get. Now I'm not one for alienating non members and have no problem with people continuing to use the forum and not join the club as a member, I will of course offer my knowledge to them just as I would to an official member as would every other official member here, but I will not tolerate the continuation of non members asking for official member benefits, this will not happen! Whether it be PM's or Avatars etc etc....

To gain the full benefits of this club, (ever increasing) then people have to pay for it, nothing wrong in that because after all we are a club and not an internet based chat room or forum. I don't go around pestering non members to join and you only see official members stand up for the club and it's principles when threads happen like this. Threads like this mainly happen with non members that fall into the category of "having no intention of joining" Not everytime, but on a whole they do

Since the forum change alone we have recieved half a dozen new official members and I have no intention at present of changing something that is working quite well.

I have already stated that the official member package will be made more clear in the coming weeks which will give a clear indication of forum rights and membership benefits. This will be made quite clear on the MSC homepage as after all this is what any potential new member will see. I am still considering the non member post limit, however I'm happy to let it be for now, but the continuation of these type of threads may change my mind.

On a final note there will always be a minority that we will never please what ever we do. Some people accept change, others don't. However what you will see is the MSC continue to be the largest Micra Club in the UK, possibly in europe with an ever increasing membership package. I have set myself many targets to be done by next August as Neil likes to remind me in his signature ;) I will have a very quiet few months after Christmas as work will slow right down and in that time I aim to meet many of my targets. People either wish to be part of this or not.

kev, SR_micra and arnold, i agree with what you said, except the post limit, i agree that none members dont have a right to say what none members should have, but i think the anti-none member attitude that exists with some members is abit pathetic since everyone was none members at one point and we all have a right to remain a none member or become an official one, i have complained in the past about pm removal and limited posts because the way it was implimented seemed to be to force people to join and not to give members more, but i guess thats nothing to do with me, the pm's/avatars and other restrcitions isnt what drives people away, its certain peoples attitudes
HMMMMM,we have had this problem on the NPOC aswell,but not to the extent it is on this forum.We have certain areas that a non member can not access.We dont not stop them using PM's or Avatars,so I cant see why a non member cannot have an avatar.

To join the NPOC costs £15 a year which opens the other boards and discount schemes with Adrian flux and Nissan etc,etc.The Nissan discounts are for spares which have to be obtained through me :).So if the micra community are kind to me I may offer some discount on nissan spares ;)
ricardo_swarez said:
kev, SR_micra and arnold, i agree with what you said, except the post limit, i agree that none members dont have a right to say what none members should have, but i think the anti-none member attitude that exists with some members is abit pathetic since everyone was none members at one point and we all have a right to remain a none member or become an official one, i have complained in the past about pm removal and limited posts because the way it was implimented seemed to be to force people to join and not to give members more, but i guess thats nothing to do with me, the pm's/avatars and other restrcitions isnt what drives people away, its certain peoples attitudes

My get your wallet out line really wasnt meant to be taken as it was! I should have just said that 'its an additional feature to members only' or something, so i apologise i didnt etc. I like new members, i like meeting people at meets etc! :)

Also, its only a tenner to sign up here and you still receive discounts with Adrian flux and many many others :)
Arnold said:
New members are always welcome! If it wasnt for members, this club wouldnt survive.

Then why MAKE them pay for an avatar, smilies...

Your going to lose members with dumb rules like that...
I don't know why people think this, but EVERYONE can use smilies!! try it!

: cool: : upside: (just remove the space between the colons) :cool: :upside:
MicraK10 said:
Then why MAKE them pay for an avatar, smilies...

Your going to lose members with dumb rules like that...

You really have missed the point haven't you...

Run along now child, come back once you've read this thread properly.
Titch said:
You really have missed the point haven't you...

Run along now child, come back once you've read this thread properly.

wrong attitude totally. not helpful at all.

Well what i see it as.
Andy_S said:
wrong attitude totally. not helpful at all.

Well what i see it as.

Ok - he is moaning about not having Avatars etc. Now - this thread has also turned into one about moaning about what Non offical members get. If he became a member, he would have all these rights and soo much more, but the fact that he dosen't have a lil picture next to his name, hes throwing his toys out of the pram? Also - he would then be eligible for all the great things that this club has to offer such as access to the meets page, discounts, ll th information need for his car etc...

If your so bothered about not getting a picture by your name, jst go. As Ed said on the first page of this thread, if you don't like it, go away. It not the avatars that your paying for, its being a Member of the Micra community.
MicraK10 said:
Then why MAKE them pay for an avatar, smilies...

Your going to lose members with dumb rules like that...

Right, go into your User CP top of the page far left.

go to......EDIT OPTIONS.

scroll down the page to very bottom..message editor interface.

Click Advanced. You'll then get to see lots of options includeding smilies, in this forum we actually giving you more posting options on all levels. Ok you don't have avatar's nor do SSC non members as do TOC non members........

im a none member, and i think moaning about signatures/smiles/avatars is abit... well you no, they arent realy needed anyway, why do you need a signature? we no who you are from you name, why do you need smilies, i dont care what you present state of mind is, be it happy, sad, laughing, i want to read about micras, so some yellow and very innacurate representation of your face doesnt realy interest me, haveing an avatar would be nice if it was your car, but other wise, i dont realy care what witty animation you have, or what you look like, this is the micra sports club, not hot or not. pm's i would like, because i see them as an essential, but all the frilly edges i dont realy care about, its like a girl, pm's are like the breasts, there essential, but sigantures/avatars/smilies, there like clothes, and make-up, if shes pretty and has a nice body, they arnt realy required...
... you slip her 20pounds, get acess to her members area, route around till you find the right place, read the guide...then get in and get your hands dirty...