Are you going to a scrappers any time soon?


Ex. Club Member
Can i ask everyone a favour if you spot a k10 super S can you get me a part! im looking for part of the inside door handle/arm rest at the top there is a piece of plastic that pops off, to reveal a bolt. im missing this piece from the passenger side door. it wont cost much if anything :glance: but if anyone can source one il pay for it and love you forever!:love:
Keep an eye out for the GSX model etc. They have exactly the same plastics (although probably in brown etc) Very easy to spray though.
yeah find a super s you'll be lucky, how did you manage to lose that bombz? i replaced it once already! lol like rimmer said get one from a gsx and spary it to match
god only knows! One of my mates must have managed to knock it off in a car park or something, it just looks quite shoddy with it it missing.
telling me! took me ages to find another cap for it lol! naughty boy! i hope your looking after the rest of it a bit better! :p
If you could see it now you'd probably slap me, its in quite a sorry state fully up on axel stands wheel off, skirt off, arch ext.s off. hasnt been cleaned for ages so looks mingin! BUT its all gonna start changing, hopefully mot end of this week or start of next. definately looking after the engine all the work gone into that. I want a respray an rust removal but dunno wether to bother spending so much on it.
I'l be down parappa the scrappa saturday so if i see any, i'l get you some.

I need another dizzy!
If you could see it now you'd probably slap me, its in quite a sorry state fully up on axel stands wheel off, skirt off, arch ext.s off. hasnt been cleaned for ages so looks mingin! BUT its all gonna start changing, hopefully mot end of this week or start of next. definately looking after the engine all the work gone into that. I want a respray an rust removal but dunno wether to bother spending so much on it.

well boyo it best get it sorted or else :p if your not going to bother fixing her up ill come and take it back :p
hopefully you can see her at a meet or something in the summer when its respectable. Just need to find some money for the respray!
Ems might be selling her datsun with kit on :) Super s interior etc, and mine will prob be available next year

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